Regarding the Shabbos entry and exit times fetched by the Zmanim Calendar. The entry date is fetching a date that is after the exit date for Shabbos. And also the Shabbos entry date is fetched as Saturday, not Friday. Considering today's date 23-02-2022 the Shabbos entry and exit dates are,
Latitude - 17.6868159.
Longitude - 83.2184815.
Elevation - 54.0
Time Zone Offset - 5:30:00.000000
Current Date - 2022-02-23 13:58:29.072584.
Hi @kishore181995,
Sorry that took me long time to response,
I found bug in my code and fix it on version 2.0.10, now you can update to new version.
Thanks for letting me know about this bug.
Hello @yakir8
Regarding the Shabbos entry and exit times fetched by the Zmanim Calendar. The entry date is fetching a date that is after the exit date for Shabbos. And also the Shabbos entry date is fetched as Saturday, not Friday. Considering today's date 23-02-2022 the Shabbos entry and exit dates are,
Latitude - 17.6868159. Longitude - 83.2184815. Elevation - 54.0 Time Zone Offset - 5:30:00.000000 Current Date - 2022-02-23 13:58:29.072584.
Shabbos Start date 2022-02-27 17:41:46.000 // using the getShabbosStartTime() method. Shabbos Exit date 2022-02-26 18:37:27.000 // using the getShabbosExitTime() method. I have compared the Shabbos entry and exit dates with *[](** website.
Shabbos Issue.txt
Could you please let meknow if I am missing anything.