yakkshit / ui

MIT License
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components list #1

Open yakkshit opened 1 month ago

yakkshit commented 1 month ago
S.No Component Name Description Backend Integration Features
1 Waitlist/Newsletter Subscription Allows users to join a waitlist or subscribe to a newsletter Supabase database for storing subscriber information Form validation, email confirmation, data storage, analytics tracking
2 User Authentication Handles user sign-up, login, and authentication processes Firebase Auth, Auth0, or custom solution OAuth integration, password reset, multi-factor authentication
3 Profile Management Allows users to manage their profiles API for fetching and updating user data Profile picture upload, personal details update, password change
4 Content Management Admin interface for managing content Supabase or Strapi for content CRUD operations Rich text editor, media upload, content scheduling
5 E-commerce/Product Management Manages products, inventory, and orders for an online store Shopify API or custom backend Product listing, cart management, checkout, payment gateway integration
6 Analytics Dashboard Displays key metrics and analytics data Google Analytics or custom API Charts, data visualization, real-time updates
7 File Upload/Management Allows users to upload and manage files AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Supabase Storage File upload, file preview, permission management
8 Notification/Alerts Sends and manages notifications for users Push notification services, email APIs Real-time notifications, email alerts, in-app messaging
9 Social Media Integration Integrates social media features APIs from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Social sharing buttons, embedded feeds, OAuth login
10 Search and Filter Provides search and filtering functionality Algolia or custom search endpoints Autocomplete, filtering, sorting options
11 Payment Gateway Handles payments and transactions Stripe, PayPal, or custom payment gateway Secure payment processing, transaction history, refunds
12 Chat/Support Provides a chat interface for user support or messaging Intercom, custom chat backend Real-time messaging, user support, chat history
13 Blog/Article Management Manages blog posts and articles API for CRUD operations, content storage Article creation, categorization, tagging, commenting
14 Video/Audio Streaming Streams video and audio content AWS IVS, Vimeo, YouTube API Live streaming, playback, video embedding
15 User Roles and Permissions Manages user roles and access permissions Custom API or database Role-based access control, permission management
16 Event Management Manages events and registrations API for event data storage and management Event creation, ticketing, calendar integration
17 Form Builder Allows creation of custom forms API for form data storage Drag-and-drop form creation, validation, submission tracking
18 Map/Location Displays maps and location data Google Maps API, Mapbox Map embedding, geolocation, route planning
19 Survey/Poll Conducts surveys and polls API for storing responses Multiple question types, response tracking, analytics
20 Gallery/Media Gallery Displays a gallery of images or media Cloud storage, API for media retrieval Image/video upload, gallery layout, media preview
21 Calendar/Scheduler Displays calendar and scheduling interface Google Calendar API, custom scheduling backend Event scheduling, reminders, recurring events
22 Forum/Discussion Board Provides a platform for discussions and forums Custom API for posts and comments Threaded discussions, moderation tools, user profiles
23 FAQ/Knowledge Base Provides an FAQ or knowledge base for users API for content retrieval Searchable articles, categorization, related articles
24 Testimonials/Reviews Displays user testimonials and reviews API for storing and retrieving reviews Star ratings, review moderation, user verification
25 Polling/Real-time Polling Conducts real-time polls WebSocket or API for real-time updates Poll creation, live results, analytics
26 Booking/Reservation Manages bookings and reservations Custom API or third-party booking service Availability checking, booking calendar, payment integration
27 Loyalty/Rewards Manages a loyalty or rewards program API for points tracking and redemption Points accrual, rewards catalog, user tier management
28 Commenting/Discussion Adds commenting functionality to content Custom API for comments Nested comments, moderation, user mentions
29 API Documentation Provides interactive documentation for APIs Swagger, Postman, custom API API reference, example requests, authentication details
30 Quiz/Assessment Conducts quizzes and assessments API for question storage and scoring Multiple choice, scoring, feedback
yakkshit commented 1 month ago
yakkshit commented 1 month ago
S.No Component Name Description Backend Integration Features
1 Waitlist/Newsletter Subscription Allows users to join a waitlist or subscribe to a newsletter Supabase database for storing subscriber information Form validation, email confirmation, data storage, analytics tracking
2 User Authentication Handles user sign-up, login, and authentication processes Firebase Auth, Auth0, or custom solution OAuth integration, password reset, multi-factor authentication
3 User Profile Displays user profile information and allows edits Custom API or Firebase Profile picture upload, personal info management, activity logs
4 Chat Messaging Enables real-time messaging between users Firebase Firestore or custom WebSocket server Typing indicators, message history, read receipts
5 File Upload Allows users to upload and manage files AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage Drag and drop upload, progress bar, file preview
6 Notification System Sends notifications to users Firebase Cloud Messaging or custom solution Push notifications, in-app notifications, email alerts
7 Admin Dashboard Admin interface for managing users and content Custom API User management, analytics, content moderation
8 Product Listings Displays a list of products for e-commerce Custom API Filtering, sorting, pagination
9 Shopping Cart Manages user shopping cart functionality Custom API Add/remove items, apply discounts, checkout process
10 Payment Gateway Integration Handles payment processing Stripe, PayPal, or custom solution Secure payments, multiple payment methods, transaction history
11 Blog/Article Management Allows creation and management of blog posts Custom CMS or headless CMS like Strapi Rich text editor, media embedding, category tagging
12 Comment System Enables users to comment on posts Custom API Nested comments, moderation tools, like/dislike feature
13 Search Functionality Provides search capabilities across the platform Algolia, Elasticsearch, or custom solution Autocomplete, filters, search analytics
14 Image Gallery Displays a gallery of images Custom API or Cloudinary Image upload, lazy loading, lightbox view
15 Video Player Embeds and plays video content Custom API or YouTube API Play/pause controls, fullscreen mode, playback speed options
16 Event Calendar Displays and manages events Google Calendar API or custom solution Event creation, reminders, calendar views
17 Survey/Quiz Creates and manages surveys or quizzes Custom API Multiple question types, response tracking, result analysis
18 Rating/Review System Allows users to rate and review products or services Custom API Star ratings, written reviews, moderation tools
19 FAQ Section Displays frequently asked questions and answers Custom API Searchable questions, categorization, upvote/downvote
20 Contact Form Enables users to contact support or send inquiries Custom API or third-party service like Formspree Form validation, email notifications, spam protection
21 Breadcrumb Navigation Displays the user's navigation path N/A Dynamic breadcrumb generation, styling options
22 Pagination Component Provides pagination controls for lists or tables N/A Previous/next buttons, page number display
23 Modal Dialog Displays modal dialogs for various actions N/A Customizable content, animations, close actions
24 Tooltip Provides contextual tooltips for UI elements N/A Positioning options, delay handling, custom styling
25 Accordion Displays collapsible sections of content N/A Multiple sections, animated transitions, custom styling
26 Tabs Organizes content into tabbed sections N/A Tab switching, lazy loading, custom styling
27 Data Table Displays tabular data with sorting and filtering Custom API Column sorting, row selection, pagination
28 Form Builder Allows creation of custom forms Custom API Drag and drop fields, validation rules, submission handling
29 Map Integration Displays maps with markers Google Maps API, Mapbox, or Leaflet Custom markers, geolocation, route plotting
30 Analytics Dashboard Displays analytics and metrics Custom API or third-party service like Google Analytics Real-time data, charts and graphs, export options
31 Social Media Integration Integrates with social media platforms Facebook API, Twitter API, etc. Share buttons, feed display, OAuth login
32 Multi-language Support Provides support for multiple languages i18next or custom solution Language switching, translation files, RTL support
33 Breadcrumb Navigation Displays the user's navigation path N/A Dynamic breadcrumb generation, styling options
34 Drag and Drop Provides drag and drop functionality for items N/A Customizable drag handles, drop zones, reorder logic
35 Light/Dark Mode Toggle Switches between light and dark themes N/A Theme persistence, animation effects, custom themes
36 User Activity Log Tracks user activities and actions Custom API Activity filtering, timestamping, user identification
37 Pricing Table Displays pricing plans and features N/A Feature comparison, highlight options, call-to-action buttons
38 Testimonial Slider Displays user testimonials in a slider format Custom API Auto-play, manual controls, animation effects
39 Progress Bar Displays progress visually N/A Customizable steps, animation, labels
40 Countdown Timer Displays a countdown timer N/A Customizable duration, animation, alerts