In the Backblaze B2 docs we can see that the b2_start_large_file endpoint has a "fileInfo" argument. Without this argument, we cannot set headers such as Content-Disposition on the uploaded file, which makes it impossible to specify that we want the file to be an attachment.
I'm requesting the following changes be made to the backblaze-b2 package:lib>actions>file.js
In the Backblaze B2 docs we can see that the b2_start_large_file endpoint has a "fileInfo" argument. Without this argument, we cannot set headers such as Content-Disposition on the uploaded file, which makes it impossible to specify that we want the file to be an attachment.
I'm requesting the following changes be made to the backblaze-b2 package: lib>actions>file.js
Change the following code:
And the following changes be made to the @types/backblaze-b2 package: index.d.ts
startLargeFile(opts: { bucketId: string; fileName: string } & CommonArgs): Promise<StandardApiResponse>;
tostartLargeFile(opts: StartLargeFileOpts): Promise<StandardApiResponse>;