yakra / DataProcessing

Data Processing Scripts and Programs for Travel Mapping Project
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TMBitset<HGVertex*> #251

Closed yakra closed 1 month ago

yakra commented 1 year ago

Carving this out into its own issue from the OP of #245. Nota Bene: Code examples below use old nomenclature. TMBitset::insert is deprecated in favor of TMBitset::add_index and TMBitset::add_value, so get hip.

TMBitset<HGVertex*> simplifies code. How about performance? Don't have to zero out individual bits at least.

yakra commented 4 months ago

ideas for TMBitset::shrink_to_fit():

void operator |= (const TMBitset<item,unit>& other)
{   if (start > other.start)
    {   item old_s = start;
        start = other.start;
        realloc(other, old_s);
    else if (len != other.len)
        realloc(other, start);
    TMBImpl::bitwise_oreq(*this, other);

void realloc(const TMBitset<item,unit>& other, item old_s)
{   item a_end = old_s + len;
    item b_end = other.start + other.len;
    len = (a_end > b_end ? a_end : b_end) - (old_s < other.start ? old_s : b_start);

    size_t old_u = units;
    units = ceil(double(len+1)/ubits);

    unit* const old_d = data;
    data = (unit*)calloc(units, sizeof(unit));
    std::memcpy(data+old_s/ubits, old_d, old_u*ubits);
    //TODO: end() bit
yakra commented 4 months ago

RAM footprint:

HighwayGraph ctor, after creating vertices & before creating edges

    size_t vtmb_bytes_full = ceil(double(vertices.size()+1)/64)*8;
    size_t rtotal_all_full=0, rtotal_all_part=0, rtotal_a_p_full=0, rtotal_a_p_part=0;
    size_t stotal_all_full=0, stotal_all_part=0, stotal_a_p_full=0, stotal_a_p_part=0;
    size_t lo_size=0, hi_size=0, lo_cap=0, hi_cap=0;
    HGVertex *lo_v, *hi_v;

    std::cout << "(total)\tAllFull\t\tAPFull\t\tAllPart\t\tAPPart" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "(total)\t--------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;

    // regions
    std::cout << "Region\tAllFull\tAPFull\tAllPart\tAPPart" << std::endl;
    for (Region& r : Region::allregions)
    {   std::cout << r.code << '\t' << std::flush;
        lo_v = r.vertices.empty() ? nullptr : r.vertices.front().first;
        hi_v = r.vertices.empty() ? nullptr : r.vertices.back().first;

        size_t vtmb_bytes_part = ceil(double(hi_v-lo_v+2)/64)*8;
        rtotal_all_full += vtmb_bytes_full;
        rtotal_all_part += vtmb_bytes_part;
        if (r.active_preview_mileage)
        {   rtotal_a_p_full += vtmb_bytes_full;
            rtotal_a_p_part += vtmb_bytes_part;

        std::cout << vtmb_bytes_full << '\t'
              << (r.active_preview_mileage ? vtmb_bytes_full : 0) /*APFull*/ << '\t'
              << vtmb_bytes_part << '\t'
              << (r.active_preview_mileage ? vtmb_bytes_part : 0) /*APPart*/ << std::endl;
        lo_cap += r.vertices.capacity()*8;
        hi_cap += r.vertices.capacity()*16;
        lo_size += r.vertices.size()*8;
        hi_size += r.vertices.size()*16;
    std::cout << "rTOTAL\t"
          << rtotal_all_full << '\t'
          << rtotal_a_p_full << '\t'
          << rtotal_all_part << '\t'
          << rtotal_a_p_part << std::endl;
        double(rtotal_a_p_part)/1048576); fflush(stdout);

    // systems
    std::cout << "\nSystem\tAllFull\tAPFull\tAllPart\tAPPart" << std::endl;
    for (HighwaySystem& h : HighwaySystem::syslist)
    {   std::cout << h.systemname << '\t' << std::flush;
        lo_v = h.vertices.empty() ? nullptr : h.vertices.front();
        hi_v = h.vertices.empty() ? nullptr : h.vertices.back();

        size_t vtmb_bytes_part = ceil(double(hi_v-lo_v+2)/64)*8;
        stotal_all_full += vtmb_bytes_full;
        stotal_all_part += vtmb_bytes_part;
        if (!h.devel())
        {   stotal_a_p_full += vtmb_bytes_full;
            stotal_a_p_part += vtmb_bytes_part;

        std::cout << vtmb_bytes_full << '\t'
              << (h.devel() ? 0 : vtmb_bytes_full) /*APFull*/ << '\t'
              << vtmb_bytes_part << '\t'
              << (h.devel() ? 0 : vtmb_bytes_part) /*APPart*/ << std::endl;
        lo_cap += h.vertices.capacity()*8;
        hi_cap += h.vertices.capacity()*8;
        lo_size += h.vertices.size()*8;
        hi_size += h.vertices.size()*8;
    std::cout << "sTOTAL\t"
          << stotal_all_full << '\t'
          << stotal_a_p_full << '\t'
          << stotal_all_part << '\t'
          << stotal_a_p_part << std::endl;
        double(stotal_a_p_part)/1048576); fflush(stdout);

    // grand totals
    std::cout << "tTOTAL\t"
          << rtotal_all_full+stotal_all_full << '\t'
          << rtotal_a_p_full+stotal_a_p_full << '\t'
          << rtotal_all_part+stotal_all_part << '\t'
          << rtotal_a_p_part+stotal_a_p_part << std::endl;
        double(stotal_a_p_part+rtotal_a_p_part)/1048576); fflush(stdout);
    std::cout << "Cap\t"  << hi_cap  << '\t' << lo_cap  << '\t' << std::endl;
    printf("Cap\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\n" , double(hi_cap) /1048576, double(lo_cap) /1048576);
    std::cout << "Size\t" << hi_size << '\t' << lo_size << '\t' << std::endl;
    printf("Size\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\n", double(hi_size)/1048576, double(lo_size)/1048576);

For vertices created via sys->rte->pts, comment out, copy-paste*, add 2 outer for loops, and iterate with a pointer instead of by range. *Update link with shorter version after datacheck removal is pushed

yakra commented 4 months ago

copy & assign

    // copy ctor (Will a call to copy assignment compile the same?)
    TMBitset(const TMBitset<item,unit>& other):
      len  (other.len),
      data ( (unit*const)malloc(units*sizeof(unit)) )
    {   memcpy(data, other.data, units*sizeof(unit));

    // copy assignment
    // Does not free resources. Only to be used on uninitiaized objects.
    void operator = (const TMBitset<item,unit>& other)
    {   units = other.units;
        len   = other.len;
        start = other.start;
        data  = (unit*const)malloc(units*sizeof(unit));
        memcpy(data, other.data, units*sizeof(unit));

    // move assignment
    // Does not free resources. Only to be used on uninitiaized objects.
    void operator = (TMBitset<item,unit>&& other)
    {   units = other.units;
        len   = other.len;
        start = other.start;
        data  = other.data;
        other.data() = 0;
yakra commented 4 months ago


Prerequisite: convert regions & systems from lists to vectors (2nd-last bullet point here).

// Find a set of vertices from the graph, optionally
// restricted by region or system or placeradius area.
if (g->regions)
{   auto& r = *g->regions;
    mv = r[0].vertices;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < r.size(); ++i) mv |= r[i].vertices;

    if (g->systems)
    {   auto& h = *g->systems;
        TMBitset sys_mv(h[0].vertices);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i) sys_mv |= h[i].vertices;
        mv &= sys_mv;
    if (g->placeradius)
        mv &= g->placeradius->vertices(qt, this);
else if (g->systems)
{   auto& h = *g->systems;
    mv = h[0].vertices;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i) mv |= h[i].vertices;

    if (g->placeradius)
        mv &= g->placeradius->vertices(qt, this);
} else  // We know there's a PlaceRadius, as no GraphListEntry is created for invalid fullcustom.csv data
        mv =  g->placeradius->vertices(qt, this);

// initialize written booleans
yakra commented 4 months ago

same thing but with TMBitset<HGEdge*> support, whole file

// Find sets of vertices & edges from the graph, optionally
// restricted by region or system or placeradius area.
auto pr = [&]()
{   TMBitset<HGVertex*, uint64_t> pr_mv(vertices.data, vertices.size);
    TMBitset<HGEdge*,   uint64_t> pr_me(edges.data, edges.size);
    g->placeradius->matching_ve(qt, pr_mv, pr_me);
    mv &= pr_mv;
    me &= pr_me;
if (g->regions)
{   auto &r = *g->regions;
    mv = r[0].vertices;
    me = r[0].edges;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < r.size(); ++i)
    {   mv |= r[i].vertices;
        me |= r[i].edges;
    if (g->systems)
    {   auto &h = *g->systems;
        auto sys_mv(h[0].vertices);
        auto sys_me(h[0].edges);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i)
        {   sys_mv |= h[i].vertices;
            sys_me |= h[i].edges;
        mv &= sys_mv;
        me &= sys_me;
    if (g->placeradius) pr();
else if (g->systems)
{   auto &h = *g->systems;
    mv = h[0].vertices;
    me = h[0].edges;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i)
    {   mv |= h[i].vertices;
        me |= h[i].edges;
    if (g->placeradius) pr();
else    // We know there's a PlaceRadius, as no GraphListEntry is created for invalid fullcustom.csv data
    g->placeradius->matching_ve(qt, mv, me);

// count vertices
for (HGVertex *v : mv)
{   switch (v->visibility) // fall-thru is a Good Thing!
    {   case 2:  cv_count++;
        case 1:  tv_count++;
        default: sv_count++;

// count edges & create traveler set
for (HGEdge* e : me)
{   if (e->format & HGEdge::simple)
    if (e->format & HGEdge::collapsed)
    if (e->format & HGEdge::traveled)
    {   te_count++;
        traveler_set |= e->segment->clinched_by;
yakra commented 2 months ago

Replacing this with a call to __builtin_clzl:

auto msb = [](uint64_t v)
{   constexpr uint64_t b[] = {0x2, 0xC, 0xF0, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000};
    constexpr uint8_t  s[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32};

    uint8_t r = 0;
    for (char i = 5; i >= 0; i--)
      if (v & b[i])
      { v >>= s[i];
        r  |= s[i];
    return r;
yakra commented 2 months ago

TMBitset.cpp debug text (a266f4c - be15cd0)

//void operator |= (const TMBitset<item,unit>& b)
void debug_union(const TMBitset<item,unit>& b, const item x)

//void operator &= (const TMBitset<item,unit>& b)
void debug_intersection(const TMBitset<item,unit>& b, const item x)

both functions, after offset variable declaration

std::cout << "start:\t" << start-x << '\t' << b.start-x << std::endl;
std::cout << "  end:\t" << a_end-x << '\t' << b_end-x   << std::endl;
std::cout << "  len:\t" <<   len   << '\t' << b.len     << std::endl;
std::cout << "units:\t" << units   << '\t' << b.units   << std::endl;

both functions, after the big if/else where the offsets are assigned

std::cout << "copy_offset: " << copy_offset /*<< " / " << copy_offset*ubits*/ << std::endl;
// same deal for oreq_offset and band_offset


if (a_end < b_end) // clear lower end() bit
     {  std::cout << "Clearing lower end() bit in A unit " << old_u-1 << std::endl << std::endl;
     old_d[old_u-1] ^= (unit)1 << old_l%ubits;
else {  std::cout << "Clearing lower end() bit in B unit " << b.units-1 << std::endl << std::endl;
    data[b.units+copy_offset-1] ^= (unit)1 << b.len%ubits;


if (a_end > b_end) // clear higher end() bit
     {  std::cout << "Clearing higher end() bit in A unit " << old_l/ubits << std::endl << std::endl;
    old_d[old_l/ubits] ^= (unit)1 << old_l%ubits;
else if (b.units == units) // if it's in the new dataset's range
     {  std::cout << "Clearing higher end() bit in B unit " << b.units-1 << std::endl << std::endl;
       data[b.units-1] ^= (unit)1 << b.len%ubits;

HighwayGraph::write_subgraphs_tmg debug text

if (g->cat != g[-1].cat)
    std::cout << '\n' << et->et() << "Writing " << g->category() << " graphs." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Tag:" << g->tag() << std::flush;

#include "get_subgraph_data.cpp"
// assign traveler numbers
std::cout << "Assigning traveler numbers..." << std::flush;
unsigned int travnum = 0;
for (TravelerList *t : traveler_set)
{   t->traveler_num[threadnum] = travnum++;
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;

plus commenting out the readouts between the 2 #ifdefs, then

std::cout << "Writing vertices..." << std::flush;
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;

around the for loop.

yakra commented 2 months ago

get_subgraph_data.cpp debug text

HD@1f85330 / UD@ad75df7

// Find sets of vertices & edges from the graph, optionally
// restricted by region or system or placeradius area.
auto pr = [&]()
{   TMBitset<HGVertex*, uint64_t> pr_mv(vertices.data(), vertices.size());
    TMBitset<HGEdge*,   uint64_t> pr_me(edges.data, edges.size);
    g->placeradius->matching_ve(qt, pr_mv, pr_me);
    //mv &= pr_mv;
    //me &= pr_me;
    mv.debug_intersection(pr_mv, vertices.data());
    me.debug_intersection(pr_me, edges.data);
if (g->regions)
     {  auto &r = *g->regions;
    mv = r[0]->vertices;
    me = r[0]->edges;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < r.size(); ++i)
      if (r[i]->active_preview_mileage)
      { //mv |= r[i]->vertices;
        //me |= r[i]->edges;
        std::cout << "\n\t(base)\t" << r[i]->code << "\n------------------------" << std::endl;
        //for (size_t v : {/*24775,*/ 412115, 413657, 519635})
          //if (contains(mv, vertices.data()+v))
            //std::cout << "Found " << *vertices[v].unique_name << std::endl;

        mv.debug_union(r[i]->vertices, vertices.data());
        me.debug_union(r[i]->edges, edges.data);
        //for (size_t v : {/*24775,*/ 412115, 413657, 519635})
          //if (contains(mv, vertices.data()+v))
            //std::cout << "Found " << *vertices[v].unique_name << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nRegion sets complete." << std::endl;
    if (g->systems)
    {   auto &h = *g->systems;
        auto sys_mv(h[0]->vertices);
        auto sys_me(h[0]->edges);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i)
        {   //sys_mv |= h[i]->vertices;
            //sys_me |= h[i]->edges;
            std::cout << "\n\t(base)\t" << h[i]->systemname
                  << "\n------------------------" << std::endl;
            sys_mv.debug_union(h[i]->vertices, vertices.data());
            sys_me.debug_union(h[i]->edges, edges.data);
        std::cout << "System sets complete." << std::endl;
        //mv &= sys_mv;
        //me &= sys_me;
        std::cout << "\n\tRegion\tSystem\n------------------------" << std::endl;
        mv.debug_intersection(sys_mv, vertices.data());
        std::cout << "begin: " << *mv.begin()-vertices.data() << std::endl << std::endl;
        me.debug_intersection(sys_me, edges.data);
        std::cout << "\nSet intersections complete." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "PlaceRadius? " << std::flush;
    if (g->placeradius)
    {   pr();
        std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
    else    std::cout << "Nope." << std::endl;
else if (g->systems)
     {  auto &h = *g->systems;
    mv = h[0]->vertices;
    me = h[0]->edges;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < h.size(); ++i)
    {   //mv |= h[i]->vertices;
        //me |= h[i]->edges;
        mv.debug_union(h[i]->vertices, vertices.data());
        me.debug_union(h[i]->edges, edges.data);
    if (g->placeradius) pr();


std::cout << "Count vertices... " << std::flush;
// and
std::cout << "Count edges & create traveler set... " << std::flush;
// before the respective FOR loops, with
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
// after each.
yakra commented 1 month ago

deleted branches (BiggaTomato)

commit branch comments
7b2c8be gtmb_rebase4 equivalent to 3282921
5e92ac6 (stash) debug: collapses & predictions
child of 706ce72 in gtmb_rebase4
5d41dc8 origin/gtmb_rebase4 branch from 061aa42
f19530b gtmb_v child commits of gtmb_rebase3
equivalent to 5d41dc8 in tmb_rebase4
b44c3cb rset branch from gtmb_rebase3
failed region set experiment: add each edge once not twice - &rg comprison, but single-threaded
4830d40 hset branch from gtmb_rebase3
failed system set experiment: add each edge once not twice, but single-threaded. Check if is_subgraph_system; don't check &h or break.
584844d eset branch from gtmb_rebase3
the above two combined
b0b92b9 gtmb_rebase3 1 child commit of origin/gtmb_rebase3
49a4d2d origin/gtmb_rebase3 branch from d02b171 in gtmb_rebase2
d66b6c3 gtmb_rebase2 equivalent to 49a4d2d in tmb_rebase3
branch from fd96ac6
b646a51 gtmb_rebase equivalent to e99f486 in tmb_rebase2
branch from fd96ac6
050d9c5 g_tmb equivalent to c1eb36d in tmb_rebase
branch from fd96ac6
06371c9 sort2 branch from 2142ceb in g_tmb
2-pass: Don't sort dead edges, but do a preliminary pass to delete them.
08c6cce sort1 branch from 2142ceb in g_tmb
1-pass: Take the hit of sorting dead edges; do everything else as-is.
35ba2aa egaplogs branch from 9d1b8a0 in g_tmb
revived as f914fbb in gtmb_rebase2
8061ea2 g_tmbdebug branch from 51d5e88 in g_tmb
don't \|= empty sets (later made unnecessary by \|= improvements)
__builtin_ctz -> __builtin_ctzl
ff8bfa3 g_ugc Merge branch 'g_u' into g_ugc (g_gc)
g (GLE region/system lists -> vectors) adopted; only care about
u (unique_name -> char*), and
c (concurrency lists -> vectors)
8eec663 g_gc Merge branch 'g_c' into g_gc (g_g)
3909a22 g_ug Merge branch 'g_g' into g_ug (g_u)
8f84425 g_g cherrypicked into g_tmb
2f6327a g_y265Phase1 ancestor of g_tmb
8ed42a2 g_y265Phase0 child of 209170f in g_tmb (disallow devel systems)
build vectors for a/p regions & subgraph systems only
just a test to compare RAM footprint to no-build
209170f g_DevSys ancestor of g_tmb
c2004eb g_EdgeComp branch from 0ff0af1
remove extraneous collapse conditions -> 3a337c1 in g_tmb
nix extraneous pointer chasing -> 8c013a0 in g_tmb (iterate vertices during compression)