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Nova Scotia Scenic travelways #31

Closed yakra closed 8 years ago

yakra commented 8 years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Scenic_travelways_in_Nova_Scotia ua747sp's MapView scenic-travelways-map-nova-scotia.pdf http://www.novascotia.com/flipbook/offline/download.pdf

Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive

PDF 282 - Two segments. Still sussing out what to include in what, and what is/isn't signed, etc. Going primarily by what's highlighted yellow in the PDFs... 1.) BrasDOrDr Main perimeter loop: • No signage on NS223Abe or at NS105(6). My current thinking is NS223Abe and the ferry aren't included. (Highlighted yellow on the PDFs, but unsigned. So NERR!) Goes straight thru on NS105. • NS NS105 6 4 • End? END?! Are you shitting me? The wiseacre in me wants to declare that it ends, and immediately begins again. Maybe I'll make this the endpoint in my route file. :P • local roads along western shore • signage at Dundee; disappears at West Bay. :( Nothing N to NS105 • NS NS4 PepSt NS216 • Right turn from NS216 onto NS4 west. • NS NS216 NS4 NS223 • NS NS223 NS216 ScoLakeRd • Scotch Lake Rd, Georges River Rd, Church Rd (Can't find any signage) • NS NS105 18 HilBouRd (HilBouRd doesn't exist; would be just east of exit 17) • Left onto HilBouRd • Hillside Boularderie Rd, Kempt Head Rd 1 2, Steels Crossing Rd 1 2, Kempt Head Rd • NS NS105 13 11 • At NS105(13), it takes the corner. Boom. 1A.) Bonus ext: Highlighted yellow on Scenic Travelways map. (Cabot Trail?) Not highlighted on p.282 of the flipbook. There's been ample signage where I've looked in GMSV, e.g. NS205 in Baddeck. • NS NS105 11 7, at least • check signage W of there • Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(8). • Signage to and from NS205 at NS105(10). (W of NS105(10) imagery from 2009.) 2.) BrasDOrDrIon Iona "Scenic Diversion": • NS NS223 NS216 LitNarFry • No signage at E end • Signage at StColRd, and heading west • NS NS223 LitNarFry StColRd via Little Narrows Rd, St Columbia Rd, Washabuck Rd, Gillis Point Rd, and St Columbia Rd? • Ambiguous signage where route ends and loops back onto itself. STATUS: Needs a ton of work. Existing files are useless.

Cabot Trail

PDF 251 - CabTrl • "The scenic travelway known as the "Cabot Trail" includes all of Trunk 30, as well as the portion of Highway 105 between exits 7 and 11." GMSV: No such signage at Exit 11, but yes at Exit 7 (only to be immediately forgotten). • Nothing at Baddeck / NS205. Solution: Calling it as Trunk 30. STATUS: READY

Ceilidh Trail

PDF 238 - CeiTrl, 100% redundant with NS19 & NS219. This one's actually simple enough. • Marked on overhead BGSs on WB Trunk 4 STATUS: READY

Evangeline Trail

PDF 125 & 145 - EvaTrl I've still not attempted this one yet. STATUS: ToDo

Fleur-de-lis Trail

PDF 294 - FleTrl Check signage at: • NS4/247 (NS4_E), and west (End?) • PtMicRd, though IIRC it's well signed enough • (St Peters) Fourchu Rd • NS327_S • NS327_N (signed well enough, right?) • "West" at this assembly looks dubious. Not shown in either PDF. • This doesn't agree. • E terminus? Louisbourg? STATUS: Needs work; Check GMSV

Glooscap Trail

PDF 145 - GloTrl, 100% redundant with trunks & collectors. • GMSV around a bit • Goddam Cape Chignecto diversion (Ecotour?) • Wolfville terminus? EvaTrl overlap? STATUS: Needs work; Check GMSV

Lighthouse Route

PDF 125 - LigRte • E end: no signage @ or leaving Armdale Rotary, with 1st NS3 shield. Nothing at AlbWalDr.Left turn at NS3_Hal, but no right. • Yellow highlight on PDF suggests route ends at NS3, and does not continue E to Armdale Rotary.

• NS103(17): 1 2 3

• NS103(17A): Left turn but no right. • This seems to direct travelers from EB NS103 to turn left toward Mill Village. There's a lot of screwy signage in the area, incl. vestigial Trunk 3 signs to nowhere, and a dubious extension of NS331. Calling this dubious. Non-canon. • No signage at EasShoRd. To be expected. • Brooklyn Shore Rd, W of EasShoRd: clear consistent signage. Boom! DONE

• WSabRd: clear signage onto West Sable Rd from both directions, but signage coming off it points in the wrong direction. WTF? • NS3All: clear signage onto Little Harbour Rd from [both](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.7524519,-65.0868551,3a,50.1y,79.55h,78.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s37J-lSQnlFZBjaICNDZBg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) directions, and this. No corresponding LigRte marker with NS3 East shield, which is good. No signage for traffic coming off Little Harbour Rd. DONE

• LowJorRd_E: clear consistent signage for once. • LowJorRd_W: Wait, this shouldn't be right... (Missing TO?) • shield but no arrow approaching WatSt, EB DONE

• Shore Rd, SW of HarPtRd: clear consistent signage • NS309_N: no imagery • CUT THE SHIT. (Missing TO? Last 2, especially...) DONE

• NS330: This is all I found. (Wot? No straight ahead?) • No signage at NS1 • check other route transitions? LigRteCla spur, 100% redundant with NS330? • Other than the left turn onto NS330, linked above, I see no signage on this route. Caveat(s): Uncertain about NS3_She reconnection at Hammond St. NS330 spur Damn Thing. Solution: Calling NS3_She reconnection as Hammond St; seems the most sensible thing, in light of very poor signage. Leaving out NS330 spur as unsigned; writing off spotty signage as another case of same-direction continuing route on a multiplex not being signed. STATUS: READY

Marconi Trail

PDF 294 - MarTrl • "The Marconi Trail measures approximately 70 km in length along Route 255." WOT? • Poor signage at N end. Last I could find is at Dominion St. Calling the north end NS4/28 as the PDF suggests, rather than the Historic Site as claimed by Wikipedia. • Donkin Highway 1A 1B 2Long Beach Rd • No signage at NS22/255 jct. To be expected. • Continues south from NS255 MiraBayDr • Going by signage, S terminus is at NS22 / FleTrl. STATUS: READY

Marine Drive

PDF 311 - Chopped into two segments due to ferry on NS211. MarDr, ??% redundant? • Check signage at ends & along route as needed • W end copacetic? Check NS322, CowBayRd, BisRd... • Confirmed thru 7/211 jct, rather then via Sonora Rd MarDrGuy, 100% redundant with NS16 & collectors. • Check signage at ends & along route as needed • E end: NS16, or NS344? • spur to Canso? Caveat(s): Check GMSV, especially at W terminus STATUS: Needs work

Sunrise Trail

PDF 206 - SunTrl, 100% redundant with TCH104/106, trunks & collectors. • What's with NS6 highlighted in the PDF? Check signage at: • ends • route transitions • New Glasgow & TCH overlap STATUS: Needs work; Check GMSV

Halifax/Dartmouth Kejimkujik Scenic Dr (AKA NS8? No PDF.) Digby Neck and Islands Scenic Dr (Why the brown? No PDF.) Colliery Route WTF

yakra commented 8 years ago

The Quick List:

Bras d'Or Lakes Scenic Drive Needs a ton of work. Existing files are useless. Cabot Trail READY Ceilidh Trail READY Evangeline Trail ToDo Fleur-de-lis Trail Needs work; Check GMSV Glooscap Trail Needs work; Check GMSV Lighthouse Route READY Marconi Trail READY Marine Drive Needs work Sunrise Trail Needs work; Check GMSV

yakra commented 8 years ago

migrating this info to the TM forum.