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Build pipeline on AirFlow + Ansible #11

Open abitrolly opened 5 years ago

abitrolly commented 5 years ago
abitrolly commented 5 years ago



abitrolly commented 5 years ago

Installed Airflow through Ansible without GPL dependencies.


abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+2 systemd template to autostart airflow webserver on reboot.

LXD port forwarding, finding a way to pass files between Airflow tasks.

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+2 reading airflow docs and experiments.

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

Ideas for the future. Calculating the time saved. Implement an easy way to register the time that is saved by automation, as a dividend of added benefits by automation, which can be used to fix or improve the automation.

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+2 PostgreSQL

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+2 (failed) troubleshooting Scaleway sudo root is not in the sudoers file after bootstrap with Ansible +1 checkout and generate .env +2 (failed) Ansible port forwarding (will upload private SSH keys instead)

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+1 sudoers fixed with mv /etc/sudoers.dpkg-dist /etc/sudoers +1 git clone with access key and host trust

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+1 RabbitMQ probe

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika

USERPASS = "guest guest"

creds = pika.PlainCredentials(*USERPASS.split())
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost',
channel = connection.channel()
abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+1 move DB to different host

abitrolly commented 5 years ago

+1 move RabbitMQ and Redis to a separate host