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Shortest keyboard Ops #38

Open abitrolly opened 4 years ago

abitrolly commented 4 years ago

Metrics for calculating how close interface to mental operation. #ux #keyboard #cjm


Task: Get the length of "---[http://cctld.by/check/]-----------------"

Recorded: "Alt+Enter" (brings terminal) - 1 point, wait for terminal to appear, " - 3 points, "python Enter" - 8 points, "Ctrl+Shift+V" (paste in terminal, unusual) - 1 point, "Home len( Quote End Quote ) Enter - 10 points"

unusual means that it is non-traditional or non-default shortcut for this operation. It may be traditional/standard for terminals, but in mental picture of the user the copy/paste operation may have a reflection for different key presses.

Result: 23 points

Baseline Levelup

The above calculation is simple and intuitive. That's why it is possible to complicate the gameplay a bit. )

If the user needs to memorize, points are not enough. Memorizing even in short memory is hard, and people may switch from one window to another. Copy pasting stuff and making mistakes. For every thing that is not an operation, that a person needs to memorize, the complexity raises. It could be either multiplication of points, some fixed point value, or a spendable resource like action points that can not be replenished.

Any unfamiliar operation depletes "action points" for the day. The user may be tired and unwilling to take action unless some pressure is applied. Rising stress levels. Stress level is a more long term timespan. Maybe week or so. If a person could learn or complete the operation in a giving few days, the stress level would fall, and the person gets a dophamine reward. If the stress level builds up and tasks are not resolved, the person develops some disease or condition (I am using The Darkest Dungeon + Cultist Simulator mechanics here).

To be continued... maybe.