yakyak / hangupsjs

google hangouts client library for nodejs
226 stars 46 forks source link

Use the name (d[0][0]) instead of the key in AF_initDataChunkQueue. #107

Closed HomerSp closed 6 years ago

HomerSp commented 6 years ago

This should be a lot more reliable and will, hopefully, survive future server-side updates (like one last night).

smammy commented 6 years ago

I tested this with yakyak master and it worked for me. Thanks again @HomerSp! For those who are interested, here's what I did:

git clone https://github.com/yakyak/yakyak.git
cd yakyak
perl -i~ -ple '/hangupsjs/ and $_ = qq|    "hangupsjs": "$ENV{PWD}/hangupsjs/",|' package.json
git clone https://github.com/HomerSp/hangupsjs.git
cd hangupsjs
git checkout work
cd ..
npm install
npm run gulp
npm run electron app
mitchellnemitz commented 6 years ago

Confirmed working on yakyak master on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 with similar steps, minus the Perl 😛

git clone https://github.com/yakyak/yakyak.git
cd yakyak
vim package.json
# Update hangupsjs version to: "git://github.com/HomerSp/hangupsjs.git#work"
npm install
npm run gulp
npm run electron app

Edit: Interestingly though, it seems that the generated YakYak.app fails to find hangupsjs module on launch...

fulltrucker commented 6 years ago

Confirming working using v1.5.3-beta-rolling on Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan. I downloaded and installed the binary, then in Terminal did:

cd /Applications/YakYak.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/hangupsjs
wget https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/yakyak/hangupsjs/pull/107.patch
patch -p1 < 107.patch
rm -rf lib/*
npm i


lorenzos commented 6 years ago

I'm using hangupsjs for a custom bot, I rebased this PR, and I can confirm this works also for me.