yalabot / angular-foundation

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window.html and backdrop.html - 404 #279

Closed kelvix closed 8 years ago

kelvix commented 8 years ago

Started using mm.foundation this evening to attempt and create a few modals on top of Java / Angular services. This particular documentation does not appear to indicate that anything else needs to be done.

mm.foundation was added to the packages list using bower - "angular-foundation": "~0.8.0" details the version in use. I was able to move forward by simply copying the two files from the repo and creating a template/modal/ directory on root (curious as to what will happen when my context changes in production!).

If this is intentional and I somehow glossed over something obvious apologies in advance. If this is an issue I can try and look into things mid next week. Needless to say thank you for the awesome solution.

jbrowning commented 8 years ago

Please take a look at the release bower repo for an explanation of the different JS files. I believe you've included the JS file without the embedded templates.