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JoyRide Missing Configuration Options #290

Open CautemocSg opened 8 years ago

CautemocSg commented 8 years ago

According to http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/v/5.5.3/components/joyride.html there are a large number of configuration options that are not exposed in this. Most importantly, the callbacks seem to not be available. Pre-ride, post-step, and post-ride callbacks are vital for walking a user through the view. Is there any way to utilize those callbacks using angular-foundation?

jbrowning commented 8 years ago

No, unfortunately we don't have this sort of functionality built in. Our tour components work differently and since our tour behaves more implicitly, it would be a little awkward to add something like this in. I'd be happy to take a look at a PR/proposal to add in some sort of callback functionality.