A policy has been announced requiring new apps and app updates to target Android 14 (API level 34) to be submitted to Google Play.
While upgrading our webview app to API level 34 or higher, when making build for all versions of "ren.yale.android:cachewebviewlib", we received the error message Could not find ren.yale.android:cachewebviewlib:2.1.8. An error will occur:
Is there a solution? Or is that open source a discontinued project?
Are there any open sources that can be replaced by other open sources?
Mobile: samsung phone
Android OS: android 14 (SDK 34)
NetWork: any network
URL: - https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/ren/yale/android/cachewebviewlib/2.1.8/cachewebviewlib-2.1.8.pom
LIB Version: ren.yale.android:cachewebviewlib:all-version
hello thank youre service. :D
A policy has been announced requiring new apps and app updates to target Android 14 (API level 34) to be submitted to Google Play. While upgrading our webview app to API level 34 or higher, when making build for all versions of "ren.yale.android:cachewebviewlib", we received the error message Could not find ren.yale.android:cachewebviewlib:2.1.8. An error will occur:
Is there a solution? Or is that open source a discontinued project? Are there any open sources that can be replaced by other open sources?