yalecyu / crnn.caffe

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your model doesn't match to your deploy.txt #23

Open lcaikk1314 opened 5 years ago

lcaikk1314 commented 5 years ago

when run"./build/examples/cpp_recognition/recognition.bin data/captcha/1.png examples/crnn/deploy.prototxt examples/crnn/model/crnn_captcha.caffemodel",error show "Cannot copy param 0 weights from layer 'conv0'; shape mismatch. Source param shape is 64 3 3 3 (1728); target param shape is 64 1 3 3 (576). To learn this layer's parameters from scratch rather than copying from a saved net, rename the layer."

ManiroXi commented 5 years ago

same trouble~ @yalecyu

yalecyu commented 5 years ago

I update my prototxt, but the caffemodel is't update. You can retrain the caffemodel. If there is freetime, I will update the caffemodel. @ManiroXi @lcaikk1314

azuryl commented 5 years ago

same problem, I just have cpu can you update the model~ @yalecyu

azuryl commented 5 years ago

or can you tell me the old prototxt