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How to Get Started with Semaphore #30

Open Voxelghiest opened 2 years ago

Voxelghiest commented 2 years ago

How to Set Up Semaphore CI

Setting up a demo repo with Semaphore should only take a few minutes.

  1. Go to https://semaphoreci.com/ and select "Sign up with GitHub". Then, authorize Semaphore to access your GitHub account.
  2. After that, you will be prompted to make an account using some sort of email address, and you can create an organization on Semaphore. You should reach this page if everything works: Pic3
  3. For our purposes, select the free 14-day trial option. It won't ask for any sort of payment info. At this point, your Semaphore account is completely set up. The main landing page looks like this: Pic4
  4. To create a sample repo, from the landing page, select "Create New" at the top, which will take you to a page with various set up options. For this tutorial, scroll down and select "Fork and Run" under Java (Spring).
  5. Follow the prompts and authorize Semaphore to create a new repo on your GitHub account. It creates a sample application, forks it, and pushes the first build automatically. If successful, you should see a page like this: Pic6

You're all set! You can select "Explain me Semaphore in 30s" to get a quick rundown of how Semaphore operates, or poke around the output from the build to learn more about it.