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Added or deleted children not being synced from Preservica #2083

Closed motropuk closed 2 years ago

motropuk commented 2 years ago


While testing #2039, it was discovered that new or deleted children in Preservica were not being picked up by DCS


motropuk commented 2 years ago

Have asked DPS to update the Digipres-IngestSingleFile workflow in Preservica to use SHA-512

motropuk commented 2 years ago

From DPS

It seems like SHA is set somewhere as the default, once I can track it down we can changes it sha512, I may need input from preservica

In the mean time, after ingest ingest, either in the actions menu for the asset or by right clicking on the asset and choosing actions, there is an add fixity workflow, this will add sha512 to the file.

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Error which might explain why sync job did not fail Error detected in: yul-dc-management (production) Full report at https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/72674/faults/85424630

NameError: uninitialized constant #::PreservicaImageServiceNetworkError

Summary SyncFromPreservicaJob#perform

Hostname: ip-10-5-69-200.ec2.internal

Context component: SyncFromPreservicaJob action: perform job_id: 9028117 handler: --- !ruby/object:ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper job_data: job_class: SyncFromPreservicaJob ... last_error: attempts: 0 queue: default Trace app/models/batch_process.rb:404:in rescue in block in sync_from_preservica app/models/batch_process.rb:394:in block in sync_from_preservica app/models/batch_process.rb:379:in each_with_index Reply to this email to comment. You can also reply with @takeit, @assign [teammate's name or email], @resolve, @unsubscribe, or @ignore.

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Manually updated fixity to child added to "4bb9ccab-0f9f-4f6c-93ba-d0b7428bd971" in Preservica, to SHA-512. Ran resync again. Still not working https://collections-uat.library.yale.edu/management/batch_processes/1032. So while we need to fix the fixty issue in Preservica, its not the only thing causing this resync to not work.

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Adding myself to this to test after #2079 and #2072 are done and this ticket is unblocked

motropuk commented 2 years ago

First sync to pickup a new child from Preservica, created the child record in DCS, but did not bring over the image https://collections-uat.library.yale.edu/management/batch_processes/1074. This might be because the image in Preservica had a SHA1 fixity value. DCS needs SHA512. So I fixed this in Preservica and reran the sync. But this sync finished as it said all children were accounted for, as the child record had been added in the previous sync https://collections-uat.library.yale.edu/management/batch_processes/1075. So I deleted the child object in DCS and am trying another resync

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Rsync to pick up added child completed, but only after click on Update this Item on newly created child record. Creating a ticket to update the code to make sure it triggers the “Update this item” process on any parents that get modified by a preservica sync.

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Created #2105

motropuk commented 2 years ago

I dont think think the delete child rsync is working https://collections-uat.library.yale.edu/management/batch_processes/1082/parent_objects/900140256. I deleted child 135 in Preservica here, but the child count for the parent is not going down and again the job does not seem to be moving. Child has not been removed https://collections-uat.library.yale.edu/management/child_objects/900140665. @martinlovell will investigate

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Martin created #2109 which might be causing deleted child resync to fail

motropuk commented 2 years ago

Adding 3 for investigation work. Dev work was split into other tickets