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Repair Specs: 119 - 167 #2701

Closed K8Sewell closed 7 months ago

K8Sewell commented 8 months ago


Fix broken specs that are part of the Ruby Upgrade Branch

Checklist: 119 - 167

- [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:116 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with only an oid value updating a batch of parent objects triggers a metadata update - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:147 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with invalid metadata source value updating a batch of parent objects triggers a metadata update - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:170 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with a redirect with correct format updating a batch of parent objects does trigger a metadata update - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:199 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with a redirect with incorrect format updating a batch of parent objects does not trigger a metadata update - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:221 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with a redirect when child objects are present updating a batch of parent objects does not trigger a metadata update - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:247 # BatchProcess with a user without edit permissions updating a batch of parent objects does not permit parent to be updated - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:33 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions and valid controlled vocabulary updating a batch of parent objects updates the parent - [x] ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:70 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but without valid controlled vocabulary updating a batch of parent objects does not update the parent with invalid values - [x] ./spec/system/child_object_spec.rb:63 # ChildObjects when logged in with access to only some admin set roles does not allow viewing of the child object the user does not have access to - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_list_spec.rb:20 # ParentObjects parent objects datatable page displays parent objects without filter - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_list_spec.rb:27 # ParentObjects parent objects datatable page filters when filter box is filled - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_list_spec.rb:35 # ParentObjects parent objects datatable page retains filters and fills filter boxes on refresh - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_list_spec.rb:48 # ParentObjects parent objects datatable page clears filter when Clear Filters is clicked - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:455 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject validates redirect presence - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:530 # ParentObjects index page datatable has multiple Parent Objects - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:227 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Ladybird has functioning Solr Document link - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:312 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Voyager has functioning Solr Document link - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:362 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is ArchiveSpace has functioning Solr Document link - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:508 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject with a Permission Set as a permission set admin can set the parent objects visibility to OwP - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:552 # ParentObjects index page index page datatable has multiple Parent Objects - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:566 # ParentObjects index page index page clicking ReIndex button does not Reindex if a reindex job is already in progress - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:573 # ParentObjects index page index page clicking ReIndex button does not Reindex without confirmation - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:579 # ParentObjects index page index page clicking ReIndex button does Reindex with confirmation - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:615 # ParentObjects index page index page logged in with editor rights does allow create parent - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:619 # ParentObjects index page index page logged in with editor rights does not allow editing of oid for non-sysadmin - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:635 # ParentObjects index page when logged in without admin set roles does not allow creation of new parent with wrong admin set - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:661 # ParentObjects index page when logged in with access to only some admin set roles does not display parent objects the user does not have access to view - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:674 # ParentObjects index page when logged in with access to only some admin set roles does not allow viewing of the parent object the user does not has access to - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:684 # ParentObjects index page when logged in with access to only some admin set roles does not allow viewing of the child object the user does not has access to - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:689 # ParentObjects index page when logged in with access to only some admin set roles does not allow changing parent_object to admin_set user does not have access to - [x] ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:724 # ParentObjects parent objects page has column visibility button - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:104 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can submit structure back to management - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:46 # Structure Editor can access the homepage can render a manifest - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:64 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can add a range - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:69 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can add a canvas - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:77 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can delete a range - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:84 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can delete a canvas - [x] ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:95 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can change range title - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:111 # Users are editable and can be deactivated - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:121 # Users are editable and can be made sysadmin - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:132 # Users created with valid user succeeds - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:146 # Users with invalid properties provides feedback - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:21 # Users datatable defaults to only display Active users - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:27 # Users datatable defaults to ascending order - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:39 # Users datatable filters by netid - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:65 # Users are viewable displays the users roles - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:76 # Users are editable and require an email to be present - [x] ./spec/system/user_spec.rb:89 # Users are editable and require their full name to be present - [x] ./spec/views/problem_reports/index.html.erb_spec.rb:6 # problem_reports/index renders a list of problem_reports - [x] ./spec/views/users/index.html.erb_spec.rb:6 # users/index.html.erb displays the users datatable
K8Sewell commented 8 months ago

After nearly all the tests in this last set were done (all but 4) I ran a folder by folder run of tests and there are about 48 left to fix.

Local Result Details - green

**Channels:** green **Controllers:** green **Datatables:** green **Helpers:** green **Jobs:** green **Lib:** green **Mailers:** green **Models:** green - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:101 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text not found in s3 becomes a partial fulltext - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:107 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text not found in s3 does not include nil in child records - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:122 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text in s3 indexes the full text - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:132 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with the field set on the parent object includes the field in the document generated by to_solr - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:64 # ParentObject with four child objects receives a check for whether it's ready for manifests 4 times, one for each child - [x] rspec ./spec/models/batch_process_create_parent_spec.rb:72 # BatchProcess with the metadata cloud mocked Create Parent Object batch process with a csv can fail when aspace is source but no extent of digitization is provided - [x] rspec ./spec/models/batch_process_create_parent_spec.rb:79 # BatchProcess with the metadata cloud mocked Create Parent Object batch process with a csv can fail when aspace is source but extent of digitization is not an accepted value - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:205 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when there is a checksum mismatch with pattern 1 - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:215 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when there is a checksum mismatch with pattern 2 - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:97 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_import_pattern_two_spec.rb:101 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create one child object - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_import_pattern_two_spec.rb:124 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create two child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_import_pattern_two_spec.rb:151 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create three child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_import_spec.rb:74 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_parent_error_spec.rb:63 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when Preservica credentials are not set - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_parent_error_spec.rb:87 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when no admin set is set - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_add_sync_spec.rb:87 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child is added to preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_generation_bitstream_sync_spec.rb:50 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with edit permission can recognize when there is a new generation and bitstream in preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_subtract_sync_spec.rb:91 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child is removed from preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_sync_spec.rb:86 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child objects are reordered in preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:156 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when there is a checksum mismatch and will pull the new checksum - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:190 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can throw an error if parent object is not found - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:69 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can sync child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_update_spec.rb:69 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can sync child objects **Requests:** green - [x] rspec ./spec/requests/parent_objects_spec.rb:247 # /parent_objects PATCH /update with valid parameters can change a parent into a permission set as a permission_set admin - [x] rspec ./spec/requests/parent_objects_spec.rb:412 # /parent_objects #minify with invalid parameters does not save an improperly formatted url **Routing:** green **Services:** green **System:** green - [x] rspec ./spec/system/batch_process_preservica_spec.rb:70 # BatchProcess user with edit permission can recognize and report a failure - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:227 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Ladybird has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:312 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Voyager has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:362 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is ArchiveSpace has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:508 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject with a Permission Set as a permission set admin can set the parent objects visibility to OwP - [x] rspec ./spec/system/admin_set_spec.rb:77 # Admin Sets when user has permission to Sets can update iiif manifests as an admin set editor - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:455 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject validates redirect presence - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:30 # PermissionRequests as a sysadmin can view a permission request - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:51 # PermissionRequests as a permission set admin can view a permission request from a set they are an admin for - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:77 # PermissionRequests as a permission set approver can view a permission request from a set they are an admin for - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:287 # PermissionSets Editing and creating Permission Sets editing and creating permission sets as an approver cannot manage terms - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:358 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays active term - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:367 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays None when terms are inactivated - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:377 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays Remove button - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:382 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page does not display Remove button when inactivated - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:399 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms show page displays None - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:407 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms terms page does not display Remove button - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:413 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms can create a new term from form - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:432 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms can deactivate a current term and condition - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:47 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access an approved user can view the Permission Sets link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:61 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access an adminsitrator user can view the Permission Sets link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:75 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access a sysadmin user can view the Permission Sets link **Views:** green

CI Result Details - green

- [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:101 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text not found in s3 becomes a partial fulltext - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:107 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text not found in s3 does not include nil in child records - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:122 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with full text in s3 indexes the full text - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:132 # ParentObject with four child objects with full_text? true with the field set on the parent object includes the field in the document generated by to_solr - [x] rspec ./spec/models/parent_object_spec.rb:64 # ParentObject with four child objects receives a check for whether it's ready for manifests 4 times, one for each child - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_sync_spec.rb:86 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child objects are reordered in preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:156 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when there is a checksum mismatch and will pull the new checksum - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:190 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can throw an error if parent object is not found - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sync_spec.rb:69 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can sync child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/system/batch_process_child_detail_spec.rb:39 # Batch Process Child detail page with expected success with a csv import has a link to the batch process detail page - [x] rspec ./spec/system/batch_process_update_parent_spec.rb:144 # BatchProcess with a user with edit permissions but with invalid metadata source value updating a batch of parent objects triggers a metadata update - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:227 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Ladybird has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:312 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is Voyager has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:362 # ParentObjects creating a new ParentObject based on oid with a ParentObject whose authoritative_metadata_source is ArchiveSpace has functioning Solr Document link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:455 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject validates redirect presence - [x] rspec ./spec/system/parent_object_spec.rb:508 # ParentObjects editing a ParentObject with a Permission Set as a permission set admin can set the parent objects visibility to OwP - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/parent_object_datatable_spec.rb:13 # ParentObjectDatatable can handle a parent object - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/parent_object_datatable_spec.rb:9 # ParentObjectDatatable can handle an empty model set - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/users_datatable_spec.rb:11 # UserDatatable user data tables can handle an empty model set - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/users_datatable_spec.rb:17 # UserDatatable user data tables renders a complete data table - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/users_datatable_spec.rb:30 # UserDatatable user data tables shows both active and deactivated users - [x] rspec ./spec/datatables/users_datatable_spec.rb:38 # UserDatatable user data tables shows sysadmin status correctly - [x] rspec ./spec/models/batch_process_create_parent_spec.rb:72 # BatchProcess with the metadata cloud mocked Create Parent Object batch process with a csv can fail when aspace is source but no extent of digitization is provided - [x] rspec ./spec/models/batch_process_create_parent_spec.rb:79 # BatchProcess with the metadata cloud mocked Create Parent Object batch process with a csv can fail when aspace is source but extent of digitization is not an accepted value - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:205 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when there is a checksum mismatch with pattern 1 - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:215 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can send an error when there is a checksum mismatch with pattern 2 - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_child_error_spec.rb:97 # Preservica::PreservicaObject can create child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_add_sync_spec.rb:87 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child is added to preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_sequential_subtract_sync_spec.rb:91 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can recognize when child is removed from preservica - [x] rspec ./spec/models/preservica/preservica_update_spec.rb:69 # Preservica::PreservicaObject user with permission can sync child objects - [x] rspec ./spec/requests/parent_objects_spec.rb:247 # /parent_objects PATCH /update with valid parameters can change a parent into a permission set as a permission_set admin - [x] rspec ./spec/requests/parent_objects_spec.rb:412 # /parent_objects #minify with invalid parameters does not save an improperly formatted url - [x] rspec ./spec/system/admin_set_spec.rb:77 # Admin Sets when user has permission to Sets can update iiif manifests as an admin set editor - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:30 # PermissionRequests as a sysadmin can view a permission request - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:51 # PermissionRequests as a permission set admin can view a permission request from a set they are an admin for - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_request_spec.rb:77 # PermissionRequests as a permission set approver can view a permission request from a set they are an admin for - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:286 # PermissionSets Editing and creating Permission Sets editing and creating permission sets as an approver cannot manage terms - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:357 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays active term - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:366 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays None when terms are inactivated - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:376 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page displays Remove button - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:381 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are active terms terms page terms page does not display Remove button when inactivated - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:398 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms show page displays None - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:406 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms terms page does not display Remove button - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:412 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms can create a new term from form - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:431 # PermissionSets active permission set terms when there are no terms can deactivate a current term and condition - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:47 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access an approved user can view the Permission Sets link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:61 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access an adminsitrator user can view the Permission Sets link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/permission_set_spec.rb:75 # PermissionSets PermissionSets page access a sysadmin user can view the Permission Sets link - [x] rspec ./spec/system/structure_editor_spec.rb:69 # Structure Editor can perform actions and can add a canvas
K8Sewell commented 7 months ago

Currently trying to resolve this error (below) to get the last 5 model specs fixed. Will happily welcome insight.


K8Sewell commented 7 months ago
