The S3 bucket naming convention is not immediately obvious when reviewing the S3 console
[ ] Remove references to "Samples" for persistent data displayed by an environment - i.e. live PTIFFs are no longer samples and we shouldn't carry this nomenclature forward
[ ] Ensure there is one top-level bucket for each environment
[ ] Ensure cached data is clearly segregated from authoritative content
[ ] Draw a diagram of environments, buckets, and folders
We can't rename buckets and will need to plan how to create buckets with desired new names and copy data without negatively impacting running clusters.
[ ] if the buckets are set in any Jenkins deploy scripts those will need updated to use the new bucket names
[ ] once bucket names have been updated for all environments the yul-dc-testing-manifests bucket and all buckets with 'samples' in the name can be deleted
ISSUE The S3 bucket naming convention is not immediately obvious when reviewing the S3 console
NOTE We can't rename buckets and will need to plan how to create buckets with desired new names and copy data without negatively impacting running clusters.