yaleman / pygoodwe

Python library for querying the GoodWe Solar SEMS API
MIT License
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GoodWe rate limit question (got IP banned) #283

Open WouterGritter opened 1 month ago

WouterGritter commented 1 month ago

I had been using it for a while to fetch data from my solar panels, and after a couple months my IP got banned. The app didn't work on my home network and the inverter was not able to send out data. I had fixed it by tunneling all GoodWe data through a VPN via my router, and after about a year my IP-ban got removed. But I digress.

Have you had any experience with, or is there any documentation on GoodWe's rate limit? I was polling their API 12 times per hour, with 5 minute intervals. I want to use this project again to act as a bridge between my GoodWe solar inverter and a MQTT broker, and I will probably fetch the data once every 30 minutes, and only between certain times when the sun is out as a safety measure.

yaleman commented 1 month ago

I don't have any information on their rate limits or terms of service sadly. Perhaps you could look at the headers they return to see if they're noting any rate limit info, or when you do get limited, what's returned then?