yalsaffar / Tourism-Recommendation-System

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Vanilla Model #3

Open yalsaffar opened 1 year ago

yalsaffar commented 1 year ago

We should start with a Vanilla model that would work as simple as using a similarity matrix to sort them. Then the input of the user(like, dislike, save) would be used to sort these rows from the matrix.

I will put some sources, try to read them, and shortly I will include the pipeline to get the data directly to your model. for now use just by importing the data from lib. https://www.kaggle.com/code/afrozchakure/content-based-filtering

@browncena2020 @ygebaly22 can you guys start doing that? start with a notebook and then we can make it into a pipeline

browncena2020 commented 1 year ago

sir yes sir

browncena2020 commented 1 year ago


function applies a similarity matrix and given the city the user's in, sorts the flights with the highest similarity matrix. also added a column called user count so if the user likes an option you add a 1 (and vice versa with -1)

yalsaffar commented 1 year ago

Perfect, thanks!