yamatokataoka / learning-from-human-preferences

Replication of Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences (Christiano et al, 2017).
MIT License
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set up rl-human-prefs-api #3

Closed yamatokataoka closed 2 years ago

yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago
yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago

Golint is deprecated and frozen.

yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago

it seems there are a lot of linters out there. https://about.sourcegraph.com/go/gophercon-2019-go-linters-myths-and-best-practices/

yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago

golangci-lint seems useful as a Go linters aggregator.

yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago

let's start from default config with gofmt to find out which ones are useful.

yamatokataoka commented 2 years ago

Docker command for Go development

docker run --rm -it \
 --name go-dev \
 -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
 -w /app \
 -v $PWD:/app \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 -e GOCACHE=/tmp/.cache golang:1.17.4-alpine sh