yamatsum / nonicons

A next-generation icon set for developers that extends octicons.
MIT License
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use same codepoints as nerd fonts #13

Open p00f opened 3 years ago

p00f commented 3 years ago

this will help when the icons are not configurable for some programs like exa

p00f commented 3 years ago


hoov commented 3 years ago

It'd be nice if something could be done here, but I'm not sure that using the same code points as Nerd Fonts is the right thing. In my use case, I already have patched fonts via Nerd Fonts. Because the code point ranges overlap, I can't use nonicons. The range used by nonicons (U+f101-U+f208) overlaps with Nerd Fonts. Specifically, it overlaps with the range for Font Awesome (U+f000-U+f20e).

In fact, Nerd Fonts is already relocating conflicting code points.

Because of the conflicting ranges, I either have to not use nonicons, or change my Kitty configuration to choose the nonicons over Nerd Fonts for the nonicons code points:

# Powerline Extras
symbol_map U+E0A0-U+E0A2,U+E0B0-U+E0D4 FiraCode NF
# Devicons
symbol_map U+E700-U+E7C5 FiraCode NF
# Font Awesome, minus nonicons
symbol_map U+F004-U+F100,U+F209-U+F2E0 FiraCode NF
# Nonicons
symbol_map U+F101-U+F208 nonicons
# Font Awesome Extensions
symbol_map U+E200-U+E2A9 FiraCode NF
# Linux symbols
symbol_map U+F300-U+F313 FiraCode NF
# Octicons
symbol_map U+F400-U+F67C FiraCode NF
# Seti UI + Extras
symbol_map U+E5FA-U+E62B FiraCode NF

It looks like the code points for nonicons are configured in .fantasticonrc.js, but I'm not sure what the appetite is for changing these (and yamatsum/nvim-nonicons).

rorj commented 3 years ago

It looks like the code points for nonicons are configured in .fantasticonrc.js, but I'm not sure what the appetite is for changing these (and yamatsum/nvim-nonicons).

I just relocated all glyphs to empty nerdfont U+E3E8-U+E506 range by editing .fantasticonrc.js and nonicon.json + yarn update. I don't use yamatsum/nvim-nonicons because of that, just copied mapping.lua with changed codes and manually override it in kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons.

Works well for me.