yamatsum / nonicons

A next-generation icon set for developers that extends octicons.
MIT License
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Installation unclear #4

Open romgrk opened 3 years ago

romgrk commented 3 years ago


It's unclear how to install the icons. Could you add more details?

p00f commented 3 years ago

there's a ttf in dist

romgrk commented 3 years ago

Yep. But it's unusual. When we install any of the nerdfonts, they come as the font we want plus the patched icons, eg DejaVu Sans Nerd Font. This is a single nonicon.ttf, so should I just install it and be done? Because below is the result I get when I do that. Or should I change my terminal font to nonicon.ttf? But then I don't get the font I want... So yeah this is unusual. Are you using the same codepoints as the nerdfonts? Are you using other codepoints? How does it work to scale the icons for my text font?

Screenshot from 2021-03-15 10-01-17

Also nvim-nnonicons doesn't mention that it needs to be setup with lua require'nvim-nonicons' to work.

p00f commented 3 years ago

I added nonicon as a fallback font in my terminal

romgrk commented 3 years ago

That would be a nice information to have on the readme.

Any plans to make patched fonts? I don't think any of my terminals have fallback font support.

yamatsum commented 3 years ago

Added to readme! When it comes to preparing patch fonts, there is the issue of which font to prepare. I don't have time to patch all the famous fonts. waiting for PR! I would like to consider patch fonts if I have time.

romgrk commented 3 years ago

Ok sure, you can probably re-use nerdfont's script. I'll wait for patched fonts then.

meain commented 3 years ago

Just had a related question. I have installed and set this in iTerm but I am guessing the codepoints(might not be the exact term) is not similar to what is being used in nerdfonts. For example, the rust icon is not available at the same glyph location that it would be in nerd fonts. Was that something you have explicitly decided not to do? If not, it would be better to keep them more or less same as that way a lot of tools like lsd that use nerd font can easily work with both.