yamatsum / nvim-nonicons

Icon set using nonicons for neovim plugins and settings
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Wrong or missing icons (setup issue?) #29

Open boydkelly opened 1 year ago

boydkelly commented 1 year ago


Would love to use this but it does not at this point seem to give the desired results. I have the plugin loaded. Using the suggested example for lualine I get no icon for Normal mode and a weird icon for Insert.

Screenshot from 2023-01-09 09-58-28 Screenshot from 2023-01-09 09-58-21

Adding the suggested config for Telescope I get this icon for prompt_prefix = " " .. icons.get("telescope") .. " ",

Screenshot from 2023-01-09 10-02-38

I am using 'foot' terminal but have also tried kitty with the same result. I have tried switching fonts between Cousine and Noto Sans Mono, and tried nerd font versions as well.

The readme is also not clear.

Is there a choice between using web-dev-icons or not? Is a nerd font a requirement or not?

Thanks for any help here. It would be nice to get this going!