yaml / YAML2

An Effort to Revitalize the YAML Project and Community
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Use a different short name than eYAML for embedded YAML #11

Open gdubicki opened 3 years ago

gdubicki commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for working on a new YAML version!

I would like to suggest using a different name than eYAML for https://github.com/yaml/YAML2/wiki/eYAML though, as it clashes with https://github.com/voxpupuli/hiera-eyaml .

The latter eyaml was developed for the Puppet ecosystem but can be used independently to encrypt sensitive data in text files. Many other tools provide encryption and decryption of text files but eyaml enables you to choose exactly which parts should be encrypted. You can read a nice introduction to it here https://highlandsolutions.com/blog/using-eyaml-to-safely-commit-config-files-to-git .