yaml / pyyaml

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Documentation abandoned? #835

Open AllanDaemon opened 3 weeks ago

AllanDaemon commented 3 weeks ago

The official documentation (https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation) is 4 years old and obsolete.

It still says to use yaml.load() without a loader.

The repository project (https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation) has many old issues and PR open; the last change was 4 years ago, even though this repository is being maintained and updated.

Is the official documentation abandoned? What can be done?

bitst0rm commented 6 days ago

It seems like the maintainers of this project no longer have access to the https://pyyaml.org domain, as the last update was made 40 years ago when PyYAML was born to be You Are My Loser.

Here is the config file for my Formatter plugin for Sublime Text, if that helps:

    "default_style": null,        // Specifies the default style of the scalar.
                                  // Possible values: null, "", "'", "\"", "|", ">"
                                  // If null, the YAML emitter will choose the style automatically.

    "default_flow_style": false,  // Controls whether to use flow style (compact, JSON-like format) or block style.
                                  // Possible values: null, true, false
                                  // If false (default), block style is used (e.g., for lists and dictionaries).

    "encoding": null,             // Defines the character encoding for the output.
                                  // If null, it uses the default "utf-8" encoding.
                                  // Can be set to "utf-16", "ascii", etc.
                                  // Note: Setting "encoding": "utf-8" may produce Latin-encoded bytes
                                  //       unless "allow_unicode": true is set.

    "explicit_start": null,       // Whether to include the explicit YAML document start marker "---".
                                  // If true, "---" will be added at the start of the document.
                                  // If null or false, it's optional.

    "explicit_end": null,         // Whether to include the explicit YAML document end marker "...".
                                  // If true, the end marker will be added.
                                  // If null or false, it won't be included.

    "version": null,              // Specifies the YAML version for the output.
                                  // If null, the default version (typically 1.1) is used.
                                  // You can specify a version explicitly, such as [1, 1] for version 1.1.

    "tags": null,                 // Custom YAML tag directives can be defined here.
                                  // If null, default tags (e.g., !!map, !!seq) are used.
                                  // Useful for custom serialization/deserialization rules.

    "canonical": null,            // If true, forces canonical YAML output.
                                  // Canonical format is fully explicit (e.g., tags for everything).
                                  // Typically set to false or null for a more readable format.

    "indent": null,               // Sets the indentation level for nested structures (e.g., dictionaries, lists).
                                  // If null, defaults to 2 spaces.
                                  // You can set a custom indent, e.g., 4 for 4 spaces.

    "width": null,                // Preferred line width for block style documents.
                                  // If null, defaults to 80 characters.
                                  // Longer lines will wrap.

    "allow_unicode": null,        // If true, allows Unicode characters in the output.
                                  // If false, non-ASCII characters will be escaped (e.g., "\uXXXX").
                                  // If null, Unicode is allowed by default.
                                  // Important for correct UTF-8 behavior when "encoding" option is set.

    "line_break": null,           // Defines the line break style (e.g., "\n" for Unix, "\r\n" for Windows).
                                  // If null, defaults to the platform's line break style.

    "sort_keys": true             // If true, dictionary keys are sorted alphabetically in the output.
                                  // If false, preserves the original key order from the input.