Link to this RFC:
I just realised that the proposal does not explicitly specify that defining any directives between documents effectively resets all directives, as is done in YAML 1.1. Thinking about it now, I'm not sure that really makes sense. Why not just let each directive be treated independently, and have it just modify the current state? That does make concatenating documents a bit more difficult, if they may be prefixed by directives, but I'm not sure that's really an actual issue.
I just realised that the proposal does not explicitly specify that defining any directives between documents effectively resets all directives, as is done in YAML 1.1. Thinking about it now, I'm not sure that really makes sense. Why not just let each directive be treated independently, and have it just modify the current state? That does make concatenating documents a bit more difficult, if they may be prefixed by directives, but I'm not sure that's really an actual issue.
Originally posted by @eemeli in