In LdapAuthenticator::authenticate() - if restrictedGroups is not configured, then intersection of user groups with restrcitedGroups is skipped. As a result user is authenticated successfully.
But, LdapAuthenticator:authenticateAndReturnPermittedGroups - if restrictedGroups is not configured, then intersection is still enforced and resultantly authentication is denied.
IMO, the behavior doesn't match and should be changed from:
private Set<String> getGroupMembershipsIntersectingWithRestrictedGroups(
if (configuration.getRestrictToGroups().contains(group)) {
In LdapAuthenticator::authenticate() - if restrictedGroups is not configured, then intersection of user groups with restrcitedGroups is skipped. As a result user is authenticated successfully.
But, LdapAuthenticator:authenticateAndReturnPermittedGroups - if restrictedGroups is not configured, then intersection is still enforced and resultantly authentication is denied.
IMO, the behavior doesn't match and should be changed from: