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some general platform suggestions for servers / developers #4

Open carlito1337 opened 2 weeks ago

carlito1337 commented 2 weeks ago

1: networkEntityOwnerChange event (server side) so server's can easily detect cheaters trying to abuse networking. 2: A server unique client trace which the Server can use to Identitfy Spoofers with multiple Accounts which changes daily / weekly. 3: Decor's from native gta v for client -> client getting. (https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0x9FD90732F56403CE) 4: A function which clears the RAM / unloads all streamed assets. (fiveM has a command called: str_requestFlush) 5: Advanced debugging tools for server developers like fiveM, resource monitor, profilers, streaming stats.

  1. Something like FiveM's game render NUI: https://gist.github.com/liquiad/f4952575cbff31f923d19b342b4d25f8 (which get's used for facetime calls, automatic clips after death...)
PatchByte commented 2 weeks ago

Seems like a lot of these proposals are very well doable! TL;DR I like it.

drakeee commented 2 weeks ago

FiveM's NUI is CEF I think and we are implementing it for sure, and they are rendering some shaders to make it blurred, but yeah that would be doable. I'm not sure about 4., it is hard to really flush loaded assets from the game. Other than that I like it too