yanchaoluo / STAT545-hw-Luo-Yanchao

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Homework 04 is ready for grading #3

Open yanchaoluo opened 6 years ago

yanchaoluo commented 6 years ago

@vincenzocoia @gvdr @ksedivyhaley @JoeyBernhardt @mynamedaike @pgonzaleze @derekcho

SHA: 0b1d93c027b178bc69d342af9001bc079f1257e0

Thanks, Yanchao

ksedivyhaley commented 6 years ago

Reshaping activity: Yes (two) Join activity: Yes Reflect on process: Yes Bonus (merge/match): No


Your mark will be distributed later. If you would like more feedback, please feel free to message me on slack.

emilymistick commented 6 years ago

Hi @yanchaoluo

Thanks for sharing your homework. Overall, it was easy to follow from your clear READMEs to your commentary throughout the work. Nice work!

reshape You completed 2 activities here which was above the base requirement. Your cheatsheet is thorough and will serve you well in the future. Activity 2 is accurate. Interesting that you specified so many qualities of your kable table. I've always just used kable() with no specifications. This is cool, I will keep in mind that I could try out the HTML version if I want to change the colors sometime. I like that you were very deliberate about your figure making-- specifying themes, titles, labels etc, this will also serve as a nice cheatsheet.

join, merge, look up Activity 1: good demonstration of many joins! I would suggest though, only printing head() for some of your tables, they are way too long to include the whole thing in a report. I also agree with the suggestion from the TA above, that a smaller dataset would be even easier to digest for this one.

Overall, you have submitted a clear and complete homework with a thoughtful report of the process.


oktokat commented 6 years ago

Hey Yanchao!! Good work on hw #4!

Coding style and strategy: For the cheatsheet - It would've been helpful to me if you made a few more notes about how the df change after using different functions in your cheatsheet. Even though it's pretty obvious since you put the whole table on there, it would've been nice to have a little summary as well.

For the other hw - it would've been nice to have a few more comments mixed in your actual chunks of code, but for the most part it was pretty easy to read and self-explanatory.

Presentation - graphs: Nice graphs! I like the theme stuff you included - the bold words look great. It would've been sweet if you could put all three of those life expectancy graphs next to each other, just for reference. Just something to experiment with later! :)

Presentation - tables: COOL IMAGE YOU INCLUDED IN YOUR CHEATSHEET! I loved it!! I thought it did a really good job of showing what gather did. I wish you had one for spread too! I also appreciated that you put some effort into your kable tables. I haven't really experimented with styling or row_specs, so I'm definitely going to check that out in my next hw assignment.

Achievement, mastery, cleverness, creativity: Good work overall! My favourite parts were on your cheatsheet at the top, both the table with descriptions of the functions and that neato image. I appreciate you adding those in!

Ease of access for instructor, compliance with course conventions for submitted work: Your cheatsheet link in the issue leads to the rmd file instead of the md file - not a big deal at all and not sure if that was intentional, but just letting you know haha I would've preferred if you linked it to the md.

Hope you had a good weekend and good luck on the last hw assignment!

Cheers, Kaitlyn