yanchxx / MoPA

An Blender addon uses ROMP to extract human's 3D poses from image, video or webcam and drive your own 3D character.
MIT License
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How to make the character move around origin point? #23

Closed lucasjinreal closed 1 year ago

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

currently seems the hips postion always to zero, how to make it move around origin point then it can looks more natural?

yanchxx commented 1 year ago

You can move Pelvis's postion, it's the root joint.


Is the character's position right?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@yanch2116 Hi, I am using the cam_trans from ROMP output as transition. I applied 100*cam_trans convert it to cm unit.

But the character can not really saw move. Do u have a video what's your motion looks like?


this demo you can clearly see the hips are fixed (even more obvious when character down and up)

yanchxx commented 1 year ago

I just use bpy.data.objects['Armature'].pose.bones['Pelvis'].location to change the hip's translation.

It's here.