yandex-cloud / cloudapi

Interface definitions of Yandex.Cloud API
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Missing "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto". #4

Open BVIVal opened 4 years ago

BVIVal commented 4 years ago

Hi! I've faced with the problem of compiling 'annotations.proto'-file. It requires an import of "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" that was not in the repository.

On official repository of 'Protobuf', I've found missing import-file, by the link: And, after unzipping, go to 'protobuf-3.11.1\src\google\protobuf\descriptor.proto' and faced another problem - it uses syntax of proto2.

Here is the question: How did you solve this issue? Please, tell me, I've stuck with my project for 2 days... By my little experience, gRPC in C# only works with proto3:(

MAnyKey commented 4 years ago


Could you please share the command that you are trying to run? What version of protoc are you using? I'm not very well versed in C# protobuf compilation. I've tried this command and it worked just fine:

protoc --proto_path=../cloudapi/ --proto_path=../cloudapi/third_party/googleapis/ --csharp_out=. --grpc_out=. ../cloudapi/yandex/cloud/compute/v1/*.proto --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(which grpc_csharp_plugin)

Note that I'm using protobuf 3.7 and grpc 1.25.0 from Homebrew on Mac OS.

Moreover, @mmarinchenko shared working configuration for C# projects: See if it helps you.

BVIVal commented 4 years ago


Could you please share the command that you are trying to run? What version of protoc are you using? I'm not very well versed in C# protobuf compilation. I've tried this command and it worked just fine:

protoc --proto_path=../cloudapi/ --proto_path=../cloudapi/third_party/googleapis/ --csharp_out=. --grpc_out=. ../cloudapi/yandex/cloud/compute/v1/*.proto --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(which grpc_csharp_plugin)

Note that I'm using protobuf 3.7 and grpc 1.25.0 from Homebrew on Mac OS.

Moreover, @mmarinchenko shared working configuration for C# projects: #1 (comment) See if it helps you.

I'm using nuget packages: 'Google.Protobuf 3.11.1', 'Grpc 2.25.0', 'Grpc.Net.Client' and 'Grpc.Tools', like in this video:

For every proto-file, I'm setting 'Protobuf compiler' in build Actions. So, I'm not using any command, because I don't know how to use it and in tutorials, they're not using it either.

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago

Hi @BVIVal!

You do not need to download or copy descriptor.proto file into your project because it is a part of Grpc.Tools package. You may check this by go to <USER_HOME>\.nuget\packages\\<VERSION>\build\native\include\google\protobuf directory. It's ok that it use proto2 syntax.

I'll try to help you if you attach your csproj file which I may use to reproduce your problem (I have no will to watch 1 hour video trying to understand what exactly you are doing :) ).

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago


BTW, you have 2 unused includes in YC API:

1>yandex/cloud/mdb/mysql/v1alpha/user.proto(5,1): warning : warning: Import google/protobuf/wrappers.proto but not used. 1>yandex/cloud/mdb/mysql/v1/user.proto(5,1): warning : warning: Import google/protobuf/wrappers.proto but not used.

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago


Do you plan to add tags representing api version to repository?

BVIVal commented 4 years ago

Thank you @mmarinchenko !

The code of *.csproj-file: GrpcClient.txt

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago


I downloaded your file and make the following changes.

1. I have only VS 2017, so I changed target framework from netcoreapp3.1 to netcoreapp2.1 and commented out Grpc.Net.Client package reference.

2. You have 2 protos in the project file which are not from this repository, so I commented them out too:

After that I tried to build the project and it failed with the following errors:

While compiling annotations.proto the protoc compiler cannot find google/api/http.proto (not the google/protobuf/descriptor.proto). This is because the actual location of google/api/http.proto is Protos/third_party/googleapis/google/api/http.proto.

To solve this particular error you may specify ProtoRoot attribute:

But if you do this then the yandex protos will not compile:

And vice versa. This is exactly the issue #1 which I reported earlier: yandex protos and google protos are located in different directories but Grpc.Tools package allows to specify only 1 common proto root (in addition to standard include directory with descriptor.proto and others).

So first of all I recommend you to carefully read the official documentation of Grpc.Tools here. Based on that you have 2 options:

1. Copy google protos from Protos/third_party/googleapis to Protos directory and specify ProtoRoot attribute as Protos. Then you'll end up with something like that:

ProtoRoot attribute actually required to be specified only once because it has global scope. So you may just update it after all protobuf includes in the same <ItemGroup>:

2. Call protoc directly. The protoc itself allows to specify many include paths (check the command used by @MAnyKey above). This can be achieved in project configuration using MSBuild target:

<Target Name="MyProtoCompile"  BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
        <ProtoCCommand>$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(gRPC_PluginFullPath)  -I $(Protobuf_StandardImportsPath) --proto_path=Protos --proto_path=Protos/third_party/googleapis --csharp_out=Messages --grpc_out=Services --grpc_opt=client Protos/**/*.proto</ProtoCCommand>
    <Message Importance="high" Text="$(ProtoCCommand)" />
    <Exec Command="$(ProtoCCommand)" />

I chose first option for myself, so I cannot guarantee that the second one will work.

I wrote some MSBuild magic to copy all protos to temporary _cache directory with one common ProtoRoot and compile them from this temporary directory (which added to my .gitignore of course).

Another issue of Grpc.Tools which annoyed me is auto-compile feature. Each time I change something in the protos it triggers recompile. So I disabled this by set <DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild> to true and wrote more MSBuild magic to compile protos only then I build my project or solution. You can check this in example attached to issue #1 last comment.

Good luck!

HavenDV commented 4 years ago

I found a solution here - Thank you @mifopen

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Grpc" Version="2.25.0" /> 
    <PackageReference Include="Grpc.Tools" Version="2.25.0" PrivateAssets="all" />
    <PackageReference Include="Google.Protobuf" Version="3.11.1" />

    <Protobuf Include="cloudapi/**/*.proto" ProtoRoot="cloudapi/third_party/googleapis;cloudapi" Access="internal" OutputDir="generated/%(RelativeDir)" GrpcServices="none" CompileOutputs="false" />
    <Protobuf Update="cloudapi/**/*_service.proto" GrpcServices="Client" CompileOutputs="false" />

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @HavenDV (and @mifopen)!

So ProtoRoot can contain multiple directories separated by semicolon... Is it documented somewhere?

HavenDV commented 4 years ago

I finalized the project using the DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild property and the code from the posts above. This project does not produce errors during the first build (if there is already code that uses some services). Maybe this will help someone

End Code(Updated) ``` netstandard2.0 true true generated false true ```
HavenDV commented 4 years ago


So ProtoRoot can contain multiple directories separated by semicolon... Is it documented somewhere? Judging by the source code, it seems that this behavior is due to the internals of Microsoft.Build.Framework.ToolTask, because the source code does not contain checks that there can be several paths

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago

Another thanks, @HavenDV!

I'll try your approach in my project next week and share my experience.

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago


I've tested ProtoRoot attribute with multiple directories separated by semicolon in my project and may confirm that it's working.

You may find updated version of my sample at issue #1's new comment. Feel free to use it as you wish.


Your project from the comment above has several issues.

HavenDV commented 4 years ago

@mmarinchenko, Thank you for the comments.

  1. I applied Protobuf_NoWarnMissingExpected to avoid the following messages after the first compilation image

  2. If I understood everything correctly, it’s simple enough to do so:

    <PackageReference Include="Grpc.Tools" Version="2.25.0" PrivateAssets="all" />

    so the dependency is available only to this project

  3. Yes, this is done on the assumption that .proto files will rarely be updated and there is no problem making Rebuild. As for calling the MSBuild task - I do it too, so there should be no problems with updated files

mmarinchenko commented 4 years ago

@HavenDV, thanks for the info.

  1. Hm, interesting. I failed to reproduce these warnings with GrpcServices="None" in <Protobuf Include>. In my environment this only happens if GrpcServices is set to something else (I tested with Client).

  2. Yes, you're right. It seems I messed up your finalized project sample with your previous sample because of the spoiler. Or just missed the attribute :) Sorry for that.

  3. Based on my experiences in large projects some devs forget about such manual things. But of course this may be documented in something like "Update Y.Cloud API checklist".