yandex-maps-unofficial / vue-yandex-map

Yandex Maps Component for VueJS
MIT License
359 stars 103 forks source link

ошибка Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined #56

Closed ohot2015 closed 6 years ago

ohot2015 commented 6 years ago

inception-1519300852896.js:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined at Object. (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:5) at Object. (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1 at w (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at x (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at w (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at E (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at Array.k (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at r (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1) at s (VM3109 inception-1519300852896.js:1)

ym.modules.define("system.supports.css", [], function(e) { function t(e) { return "undefined" == typeof d[e] ? d[e] = n(e) : d[e] } function n(e) { return r(e) || r(h + a(e)) || r(p.cssPrefix + a(e)) } function r(e) { return "undefined" != typeof i().style[e] ? e : null } function i() { return u || (u = document.createElement("div")) } function a(e) { return e ? e.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1) : e } function o(e) { var n = t(e); return n && n != e && (n = "-" + h + "-" + e), n } function s(e) { return l[e] && t("transitionProperty") ? o(l[e]) : null } var u, l = { transform: "transform", opacity: "opacity", transitionTimingFunction: "transition-timing-function", userSelect: "user-select", height: "height" }, c = {}, d = {}, p = ym.env.browser, h = p.cssPrefix.toLowerCase(); e({ checkProperty: t, checkTransitionProperty: function(e) { return "undefined" == typeof c[e] ? c[e] = s(e) : c[e] }, checkTransitionAvailability: s }) }), 1b961408a0

PNKBizz commented 6 years ago

Привет! А можно поподробнее? Как воспроизвести?

ohot2015 commented 6 years ago



`import { yandexMap, ymapMarker } from 'vue-yandex-maps'

export default { name: 'AppLongrid', data () { return { placemarks: [{ coords: [50, 40], properties: {}, // define properties here options: { iconLayout: 'default#image', iconImageHref: 'src/assets/img/logo.png', iconImageSize: [30, 42], iconImageOffset: [-5, -38] }, // define options here balloonTemplate: '

"Your custom template"
', callbacks: { click: function() {} } }] } }, components: { yandexMap, ymapMarker }, } `

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PNKBizz commented 6 years ago

Спасибо! Буду разбираться

PNKBizz commented 6 years ago

Не смог воспороизвести