yandex-research / invertible-cd

Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps
Apache License 2.0
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About "Guidance distilled diffusion models" #4

Closed lyx0208 closed 1 day ago

lyx0208 commented 3 days ago

According to my own understanding, these checkpoints are distilled SD models that generates with Dynamic, is this right? Moreover, can you provide more training details of such models? Thanks a lot in advance !

quickjkee commented 2 days ago

Hi! Thanks for your interest. Not really. We just embed the guidance through a new layer. In more detail:

lyx0208 commented 2 days ago

Thanks for your clear answer! I understand what the distilled models work for.

lyx0208 commented 2 days ago

So what should I do if I want to train the model with another distillation teacher, like the newly released SD3?

lyx0208 commented 2 days ago

There seems no official implementation of the paper "On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models"

quickjkee commented 1 day ago

Yes, you are right. There is no official implementation. Probably, we will release the code for guidance distillation when we have free time. However, it is not necessary to do Consistency Distillation on top of a guidance distilled model. In other words, if you want to play with SD3, you can skip the guidance distillation step and use our CD directly with the SD3 teacher.

lyx0208 commented 1 day ago

Ok, thanks a lot for your kind response!!