Given: set of machines connected together and to the Internet
Needed: instructions/scripts to set up runnable ipython cluster on those machines using REP containers
[x] makefile/fabfile for setting up cluster
[x] update start script to spawn ipcontroller
[x] Dockerfile/image for REP updated with ipyparallel==4.1.0
[x] targets for starting master
[x] targets for starting slaves
[x] test on Cracow
[x] instructions how to use this stuff
[x] what is the best place for instructions/dockerfiles/makefiles/fabfiles/tests? same repo? same branch? or? (@arogozhnikov?)
cluster has also a shared writable folder that would be secure enough to share cluster controller connection information
it would be enough to have one profile named default - number of instances in that profiles would be defined by number of cluster nodes started with REP
users cannot alter/restart cluster through jupyter UI, it is controllable from the farm head macine
Given: set of machines connected together and to the Internet Needed: instructions/scripts to set up runnable ipython cluster on those machines using REP containers