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Potential problems with ROOT in docker image for 0.6.6 #95

Open sashabaranov opened 7 years ago

sashabaranov commented 7 years ago

The following warning pops up when you use ROOT in your python script for first time:

#error "You need a ISO C conforming compiler to use the glibc headers"
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

May be reproduced with:

docker run -ti yandex/rep:0.6.6 bash -lc 'python -c "import ROOT; ROOT.TH1F"'                                                                                                                                                

Spotted the same warning in root-conda recipe, but it seems that they've fixed it.

arogozhnikov commented 7 years ago

Yup, it is so for a long time. The reason is in indeed in the ROOT recipes, because it is built against a rather old glibc version 2.12, making it as cross platform as possible.

Nevertheless, I haven't seen that these messages are affecting ROOT workability. If it is fixed in the recipes, it will vanish during next update of REP