yandexmobile / metrica-plugin-unity

Unity plugin for Yandex AppMetrica SDK
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Building error (with appodeal) #21

Open Kuhpik opened 5 years ago

Kuhpik commented 5 years ago

Can't build android app, in project i use highest yandex-metrica, one signal, appodeal. Tried in Unity 2017.4.22f1 LTS, now tying in 2018.3.6f1.

Firstly there was erro with manifest merging. Fixed it somehow, now i see this error. Log Screenshot

NesterovichAlexey commented 5 years ago

Hi. Appodeal uses appmetrica version 2.73. Version 2.73 and 3.2.2 have incompatible APIs. You need to use the AppMetrica Unity plugin version 2.1 or less and AppMetrica version 2.80 or less.