yandexmobile / yandex-ads-unity-plugin

Yandex Mobile Ads Unity Plugin
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После переноса проекта на Unity 2022.3.22, при показе рекламы зависает игра (Android) #96

Closed madTeddy closed 6 months ago

madTeddy commented 6 months ago

На прошлой версии 2020.3.48 Яндекс реклама работала без проблем, но после переноса проекта на Unity 2022.3.22, при нажатии на показ Rewarded рекламы, вижу это: image (Я вижу этот попап даже не увидев рекламу)

При нажатии на "отказаться от награды", всё работает как надо и просмотр не засчитывается. Но если нажать на "продолжить просмотр", то игра просто зависает и ни на что не реагирует. Реклама в это время тоже не показывается.

С Interstitial по сути такая же проблема с зависанием. В logcat от Яндекса вижу только это при попытке показать рекламу: YandexAds: [Integration] Ad type rewarded was integrated successfully

Проверял на двух устройствах и на версиях Яндекс рекламы 6.3.0 и 6.4.0 - везде одно и тоже поведение.

Ещё присутствует AdMob в проекте и он работает без проблем. Так что какая-то проблема с совместимостью Яндекса и этой версии Unity.

В logcat системы никаких очевидных сообщений нет:

04-01 03:08:21.024  3902  3902 I YandexAds: [Integration] Ad type rewarded was integrated successfully
04-01 03:08:21.078  3937  3957 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
04-01 03:08:21.439  3902  3970 I Unity   : Ads: Rewarded ad is shown.
04-01 03:08:21.441  1964  2647 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10087
04-01 03:08:21.442  1964  2647 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:  bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
04-01 03:08:21.475  3902  3970 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c2686a4c800: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819e1e0)
04-01 03:08:21.509  3902  4004 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 1667072 frames delivered
04-01 03:08:21.510  1964  3860 D Sensor  : bstsensor_batch
04-01 03:08:21.510  1964  3860 D Sensor  : bstsensor_setDelay, handle 0, delay ms 200
04-01 03:08:21.511  1964  3860 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:   bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
04-01 03:08:21.513  3902  3902 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@81e0d3
04-01 03:08:21.568  1964  3860 D WindowManager: bstSendTopDisplayedOnFocusChange packageName :  activityName :  mouseAction  :   lastSentMouseAction :
04-01 03:08:21.578  3902  4347 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-01 03:08:21.578  1807  1895 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:21.578  3902  4347 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
04-01 03:08:21.578  3902  4347 D HostConnection: createUnique: call
04-01 03:08:21.579  3902  4347 I AGA     : hstInit: opened /dev/bstpgaipc: fd = 182
04-01 03:08:21.579  3902  4347 I AGA     : Attempting to create new SOCKET connection pid = 3902, tid = 4347
04-01 03:08:21.579  3902  4347 I AGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: Attempting to get GROUP2 cid
04-01 03:08:21.579  3902  4347 I AGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: data mapped to 0x7c25cf69e000 with size 4194304
04-01 03:08:21.579  3902  4347 I AGA     : New SOCKET connection: (pid 3902, tid 4347) 0
04-01 03:08:21.585  3902  4347 D HostConnection: HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_queue_submit_with_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_batched_descriptor_set_update GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0
04-01 03:08:21.586  1807  1895 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:21.596  1807  1895 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:21.596  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0x7c25c48cce00: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
04-01 03:08:21.604  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:21.604  3902  4347 I AGA     : The gl query need cache 0
04-01 03:08:21.604  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80) (first time)
04-01 03:08:21.610  1807  1807 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing to
04-01 03:08:21.611  1807  1899 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:21.634  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService:,
04-01 03:08:21.634  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService: ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
04-01 03:08:21.618  1807  1899 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 identical 1 line
04-01 03:08:21.626  1807  1899 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:21.636  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:21.638  3902  4347 D emuglGLESv2_enc: GL ViewportNeedFlush 0
04-01 03:08:21.678  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:21.682  1964  1987 D ActivityManager: onWindowsDrawn: packageName =, name =, mCallingPackage = com.bluestacks.launcher
04-01 03:08:21.682  1964  1987 I ActivityManager: Displayed +170ms
04-01 03:08:21.686  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:21.689  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:21.802  1794  1949 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function set_voice_volume: Function not implemented
04-01 03:08:24.568  4295  4304 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
04-01 03:08:26.890  2240  2333 I VMSG    : processRequest:104 called for gcal
04-01 03:08:26.890  2240  2339 I BstGCallService-JNI: gcallSetClipboardTextClbk called
04-01 03:08:26.907  2240  2333 I VMSG    : processRequest:104 called for gcal
04-01 03:08:26.907  2240  2339 I BstGCallService-JNI: gcallSetClipboardTextClbk called
04-01 03:08:28.185  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:28.320  1794  3909 I audio_hw_primary: choose pcmC0D0p for 0
04-01 03:08:28.320  3902  4347 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c25c48cce00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a819ee80)
04-01 03:08:28.322  1964  3860 D WindowManager: bstSendTopDisplayedOnFocusChange packageName :  activityName :  mouseAction  :   lastSentMouseAction :
04-01 03:08:28.322  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService:,
04-01 03:08:28.322  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService: ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
04-01 03:08:28.388  1804  1951 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xf0083900) throttle end: throttle time(28)
04-01 03:08:32.033  1964  2685 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10035
04-01 03:08:32.033  1964  2685 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:  bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
04-01 03:08:32.033  2162  2439 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
04-01 03:08:32.034  2162  2439 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
04-01 03:08:32.034  2162  2439 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 610304
04-01 03:08:32.037  2162  2439 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c26a812e200: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a800d720)
04-01 03:08:32.052  1964  2685 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:   bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
04-01 03:08:32.053  1964  3860 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:   bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
04-01 03:08:32.068  2162  2439 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 610304
04-01 03:08:32.070  2162  2439 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c26a812e200: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a800d720)
04-01 03:08:32.091  2162  2162 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@bd73f5e
04-01 03:08:32.091  1964  1985 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs
04-01 03:08:32.098  2162  2162 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow:{e53b13f V.ED..... ........ 0,0-2560,48} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false
04-01 03:08:32.108  1964  3860 D WindowManager: calling BstHostCallManagerService onActivityDisplayed method, packageName:, activityName:
04-01 03:08:32.108  1964  3860 D WindowManager: BstHostCallManagerService onActivityDisplayed method returned: 0
04-01 03:08:32.108  1964  1996 I HCALL   : hcallOnActivityDisplayedRpc(,,
04-01 03:08:32.108  1964  1996 I VMSG    : getHostBoundBuffer:94 called for hcal
04-01 03:08:32.108  1964  1996 I VMSG    : processRequest:104 called for hcal
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  3860 D WindowManager: calling BstHostCallManagerService setAppConfigDbParams method, packageName:, macrosDisabled: false, showFeedbackPopup: false, mouseCursorStyle: default, nativeGamepad: false
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  3860 D WindowManager: BstHostCallManagerService setAppConfigDbParams method returned: 0
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  3860 D WindowManager: bstSendTopDisplayedOnFocusChange packageName :  activityName :  mouseAction  :   lastSentMouseAction :
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  1996 I HCALL   : hcallSetAppConfigDbParamsRpc(, 0, 0, default, 0)
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  1996 I VMSG    : getHostBoundBuffer:94 called for hcal
04-01 03:08:32.109  1964  1996 I VMSG    : processRequest:104 called for hcal
04-01 03:08:32.109  1807  1895 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:32.129  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService:, activityName=.recents.RecentsActivity
04-01 03:08:32.129  1964  3860 D InputMethodManagerService: ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
04-01 03:08:32.117  1807  1895 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 identical 1 line
04-01 03:08:32.123  1807  1895 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696
04-01 03:08:32.136  2162  2439 D EGL_emulation: eglMakeCurrent: 0x7c26a812e200: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x7c26a800d720)
04-01 03:08:32.157  1807  1899 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (97 us)
04-01 03:08:32.157  1807  1899 D gralloc_default: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 14749696

Прошу помочь как можно быстрее, так как из-за этого я не могу выпустить обновление.

mobile-ads-github commented 6 months ago

Спасибо за Ваше обращение, для разбора создана задача с номером PCODESUP-3095. Мы ознакомимся и вернемся с ответом в течение 2 дней, возможно запросим дополнительную информацию.

Thank you for your message, a task with the number PCODESUP-3095 has been created for analysis. We will get acquainted and return with the answer within 2 days, we may request additional information.

madTeddy commented 6 months ago

После того как попробовал на новом проекте, всё работало без проблем. Так что с помощью этого понял, что надо было сделать сброс настроек у External Dependency Manager и он уже создал новый конфиг, где включились важные настройки связанные с gradleSettings и т.д.