yaneurao / YaneuraOu

YaneuraOu is the World's Strongest Shogi engine(AI player) , WCSC29 1st winner , educational and USI compliant engine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
512 stars 140 forks source link

FukauraOu V8.30で詰みがある局面で詰ましてくれない #286

Open KazApps opened 1 week ago

KazApps commented 1 week ago

次の局面は3d3cから詰みのはずで実際df-pnは詰みを見つけられているようなのですが、bestmoveにG*4cなど詰みではない手を返してしまっています。sfen lr5nl/6k2/6bpp/p1p1S1R2/1P1np2P1/P1P1P3P/3K5/1S3G3/LN5NL b 2G6Pbg2sp 95 以下にFukauraOuの出力を張り付けておきます。

PS C:\Users\Shogi\model> .\YaneuraOu-Deep-TensorRT-1GPU.exe usi , BookFile no_book , NetworkDelay 0 , NetworkDelay2 0 , isready , position sfen lr5nl/6k2/6bpp/p1p1S1R2/1P1np2P1/P1P1P3P/3K5/1S3G3/LN5NL b 2G6Pbg2sp 95 , go byoyomi 1000 , quit
id name FukauraOu TensorRT8601-dlshogi-denryu2021 8.30 64AVX2BMI2
id author by Tadao Yamaoka , yaneurao
option name USI_Hash type spin default 20000 min 1 max 33554432
option name USI_Ponder type check default true
option name Stochastic_Ponder type check default true
option name MultiPV type spin default 1 min 1 max 600
option name NetworkDelay type spin default 1000 min 0 max 10000
option name NetworkDelay2 type spin default 1000 min 0 max 10000
option name MinimumThinkingTime type spin default 10000 min 1000 max 100000
option name SlowMover type spin default 100 min 1 max 1000
option name MaxMovesToDraw type spin default 512 min 0 max 100000
option name DepthLimit type spin default 0 min 0 max 2147483647
option name NodesLimit type spin default 0 min 0 max 9223372036854775807
option name EvalDir type string default eval
option name WriteDebugLog type string default
option name GenerateAllLegalMoves type check default false
option name EnteringKingRule type combo default CSARule27 var NoEnteringKing var CSARule24 var CSARule24H var CSARule27 var CSARule27H var TryRule
option name ThreadIdOffset type spin default 0 min 0 max 31
option name LargePageEnable type check default true
option name USI_OwnBook type check default true
option name NarrowBook type check default false
option name BookMoves type spin default 512 min 0 max 10000
option name BookIgnoreRate type spin default 0 min 0 max 100
option name BookFile type combo default user_book3.db var no_book var standard_book.db var yaneura_book1.db var yaneura_book2.db var yaneura_book3.db var yaneura_book4.db var user_book1.db var user_book2.db var user_book3.db var book.bin
option name BookDir type string default ../../Books
option name BookEvalDiff type spin default 0 min 0 max 99999
option name BookEvalBlackLimit type spin default -200 min -99999 max 99999
option name BookEvalWhiteLimit type spin default -200 min -99999 max 99999
option name BookDepthLimit type spin default 0 min 0 max 99999
option name BookOnTheFly type check default false
option name ConsiderBookMoveCount type check default true
option name BookPvMoves type spin default 16 min 1 max 246
option name IgnoreBookPly type check default true
option name FlippedBook type check default true
option name PV_Interval type spin default 500 min 0 max 2147483647
option name UCT_NodeLimit type spin default 10000000 min 10 max 1000000000
option name DebugMessage type check default false
option name ReuseSubtree type check default true
option name Eval_Coef type spin default 756 min 1 max 10000
option name Resign_Threshold type spin default 0 min 0 max 1000
option name DrawValueBlack type spin default 500 min -30000 max 30000
option name DrawValueWhite type spin default 500 min -30000 max 30000
option name C_fpu_reduction type spin default 27 min 0 max 100
option name C_fpu_reduction_root type spin default 0 min 0 max 100
option name C_init type spin default 144 min 0 max 500
option name C_base type spin default 28288 min 10000 max 100000
option name C_init_root type spin default 116 min 0 max 500
option name C_base_root type spin default 25617 min 10000 max 100000
option name Softmax_Temperature type spin default 174 min 1 max 10000
option name UCT_Threads1 type spin default 2 min 0 max 256
option name DNN_Model1 type string default model.onnx
option name DNN_Batch_Size1 type spin default 256 min 1 max 1024
option name PV_Mate_Search_Threads type spin default 4 min 0 max 256
option name PV_Mate_Search_Nodes type spin default 500000 min 0 max 4294967295
option name LeafDfpnNodesLimit type spin default 40 min 0 max 10000
Options[BookFile] = no_book
Options[NetworkDelay] = 0
Options[NetworkDelay2] = 0
info string Start loading the model file, path = eval/model.onnx, gpu_id = 0, batch_size = 256
info string serialized filename = eval/model.onnx.NVIDIA_GeForce_RTX_4060_Laptop_GPU.256.TRT8601.serialized
info string The model file has been loaded, path = eval/model.onnx, gpu_id = 0, batch_size = 256
info string engine forward test. batch_size = 256, Processing time = 65ms.
info string engine forward test. batch_size = 256, Processing time = 18ms.
info string All model files have been loaded. 192ms.
info string found the root mate by df-pn , move = 3d3c ,ply = 21
info score mate 21 pv 3d3c 3b3c P*3d 3c2b B*3c 2a3c 3d3c+ 2b3c G*4c 3c3d G*4e 3d2e P*2f 2e2f 4h3g 2f2e P*2f 2e1d 1f1e 1d2d N*3f
info nps 0 time 3 hashfull 0 nodes 0 depth 1 score cp 0 pv G*4c
bestmove G*4c
yaneurao commented 1 week ago

あれ..そんなbugが!?!? 今週末に調査しますのでそのままお待ちください..。

KazApps commented 1 week ago
