yanfoe / YANFOE.v2

YANFOE.v2 - Movie and TV meta data manager
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TV Posters and Fanart not shown correctly #156

Open nkatsidis opened 12 years ago

nkatsidis commented 12 years ago

V2 2012 ver..

TV Shows...

Lets say i do an initial scan... Choose a series ... make the appropriate adjustements... save... so far so good

move to the 2nd series...

Clicking alternate poster and fanart shows the posters and fanart from previous TV Show... Pressed the Update Series.. but nothing done...

Drayden commented 12 years ago

Having the same issue. I noticed that if you go back to the 1st TV Show and then to the 2nd the images will eventually show up correctly.

Russe11 commented 12 years ago

Is it possible the update is taking a while as the alternative poster thumbs are being queued to download?

A way to test this is either let all the background downloads complete, or go back and forth on series that have already downloaded all elements.

nkatsidis commented 12 years ago

Yep tested it (everything was downloaded....) ...

and its a bug :)....

Russe11 commented 12 years ago

Tried moving through series a little quicker.. I see what your talking about.

On 04/10/2011 4:54 PM, nkatsidis wrote:

Yep tested it (everything was downloaded....) ...

and its a bug :)....