yangao07 / abPOA

abPOA: an SIMD-based C library for fast partial order alignment using adaptive band
MIT License
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cons_algrm via pyabpoa #76

Open aistBMRG opened 2 weeks ago

aistBMRG commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I am running abpoa via python binding. I am interested in accessing the cons_algrm variable, setting to the most common base. Would it be possible to clarify how to set this up? Fyi, my current commands are as follows:

import pyabpoa as pa
a = pa.msa_aligner()
a.msa(seqs, out_cons=True, out_msa=True).cons_seq[0]

Thanks. Dieter

yangao07 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, this is quite easy to add for pyabpoa. You can build/install it using the latest source code. Pypi should be available in the next released version.