yangdongchao / UniAudio

The Open Source Code of UniAudio
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Recipe for (Singing) text independent VC #2

Open oplatek opened 9 months ago

oplatek commented 9 months ago

Congrats! Your paper is very interesting.

I am interested in a prosody-preserving VC where text transcriptions are not needed. If you give me hints on how to run meaningful experiments, I am more than happy to start experimenting with UniAudio.

Thank you

yangdongchao commented 9 months ago

Congrats! Your paper is very interesting.

I am interested in a prosody-preserving VC where text transcriptions are not needed. If you give me hints on how to run meaningful experiments, I am more than happy to start experimenting with UniAudio.

Thank you

Sure, we will give the VC task recipe as soon as possible. Thanks for your attention.

yangdongchao commented 9 months ago

Congrats! Your paper is very interesting.

I am interested in a prosody-preserving VC where text transcriptions are not needed. If you give me hints on how to run meaningful experiments, I am more than happy to start experimenting with UniAudio.

Thank you

Hi, you can refer egs/VC to find the Voice conversion recipe.