yanghuan / CSharp.lua

The C# to Lua compiler
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Using nugets? #390

Open Lelelo1 opened 2 years ago

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to consume third party nuget packages and use them in Lua?

Drake53 commented 2 years ago

This is possible in my fork: https://github.com/Drake53/CSharp.lua In my fork I allow using a .csproj file as input (related: https://github.com/yanghuan/CSharp.lua/issues/17) In the .csproj, the package references are supported. It is possible to include the source .cs files in your nuget package, but since this gives issues with transitive references and most 3rd party packages don't include the source files, the best way is to decompile the .dll's in the packages, for which I use the package ICSharpCode.Decompiler.