Closed talaon2 closed 11 months ago
为什么你的用户 ID 是浮点数呢?请确认你数据库导入的数据没有问题。
mysql是5.5,不支持 utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 所以导入时我改成了 utf8mb4_general_ci
不知道是否与这个直接相关, 经再次测试,文心一言正常,
MySQL 建议用8,少很多麻烦。 proxy 一只都有支持的,ProxyURL 这个参数就是
⚠️ 确认 issue 是否已存在 ⚠️
GPT-3 or GPT-4
Bug 描述 📝
2023-11-22T13:45:00.615Z INFO chatimpl/openai_handler.go:33 HTTP请求完成,耗时:1.08993866s 2023-11-22T13:45:00.615Z ERROR chatimpl/chat_handler.go:150 error with decode response: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
2023/11/22 13:45:00 /home/www/yangjian102621/chatgpt-plus/api/handler/chatimpl/chat_handler.go:337 record not found [1.847ms] [rows:0] SELECT * FROM
WHERE user_id = 97.000000 ANDchatgpt_chat_history
IS NULL ORDER BYchatgpt_chat_history
DESC LIMIT 1前端报错: ERROR [object Object] at handleError (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/_webpack-dev-server@4.15.1@webpack-dev-server/client/overlay.js:299:58) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/_webpack-dev-server@4.15.1@webpack-dev-server/client/overlay.js:322:7)
api/chat/tokens (第二个) text 为空值时, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k text
返回code:1 message: "record not found"
重现步骤 🕹
Listen = "" ProxyURL = "" MysqlDns = "--------:--------@tcp(localhost:3306)/chatgpt_plus?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true" StaticDir = "./static" StaticUrl = "http://localhost/5678/static" AesEncryptKey = "q4g17xsxkkz9ueamj01j0l2h" WeChatBot = false
[Session] SecretKey = "ul7ecndq0gyy2rcbwuo24tp5y394okhi7e69oxwf3zx53qxac9k9wpqehjvuzwjz" MaxAge = 86400
[Manager] Username = "admin" Password = "admin123"
[Redis] Host = "localhost" Port = 6379 Password = "" DB = 0
[ApiConfig] ApiURL = "" AppId = "" Token = ""
[SmsConfig] AccessKey = "" AccessSecret = "" Product = "" Domain = "" Sign = "" CodeTempId = ""
[OSS] Active = "local" [OSS.Local] BasePath = "./static/upload" BaseURL = "http://localhost/5678/static/upload" [OSS.Minio] Endpoint = "" AccessKey = "" AccessSecret = "" Bucket = "" UseSSL = false Domain = "" [OSS.QiNiu] Zone = "" AccessKey = "" AccessSecret = "" Bucket = "" Domain = "" [OSS.AliYun] Endpoint = "" AccessKey = "" AccessSecret = "" Bucket = "" Domain = ""
[MjConfig] Enabled = false UserToken = "" BotToken = "" GuildId = "" ChanelId = ""
[SdConfig] Enabled = false ApiURL = "" ApiKey = "" Txt2ImgJsonPath = "res/text2img.json"
[XXLConfig] Enabled = false ServerAddr = "" ExecutorIp = "" ExecutorPort = "" AccessToken = "" RegistryKey = ""
[AlipayConfig] Enabled = false SandBox = false AppId = "" UserId = "" PrivateKey = "" PublicKey = "" AlipayPublicKey = "" RootCert = "" NotifyURL = ""