yangjiaolong / Go-ICP

Implementation of the Go-ICP algorithm for globally optimal 3D pointset registration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How long does this go-icp take? Is it possible to use openmp or cuda to the ndt algorithm? #3

Closed hunkyu closed 5 years ago

hunkyu commented 5 years ago

How long does this go-icp take? Is it possible to use openmp or cuda to the ndt algorithm?

yangjiaolong commented 5 years ago

It depends. Pls refer to our journal paper for details regarding running time.

Both distance transform computation and our BnB algorithm can be speedup by openmp or cuda. I did not manage to do it due to time constrain. Let me know if you have implemented it.

hunkyu commented 5 years ago


bomtorazek commented 5 years ago

@hunkyu Did you implement it, sir?