yangjie10930 / EpMedia

Android上基于FFmpeg开发的视频处理框架,简单易用,体积小,帮助使用者快速实现视频处理功能。包含以下功能:剪辑,裁剪,旋转,镜像,合并,分离,变速,添加LOGO,添加滤镜,添加背景音乐,加速减速视频,倒放音视频。 The video processing framework based on FFmpeg developed on Android is simple, easy to use, and small in size, helping users quickly realize video processing functions. Contains the following functions: editing, cropping, rotating, mirroring, merging, separating, variable speed, adding LOGO, adding filters, adding background music, accelerating and decelerating video, rewinding audio and video.
MIT License
2.4k stars 536 forks source link

合成背景音乐失败,MP3文件是根据视频长度截取的,每次都会报错 #155

Open riverletliu opened 6 years ago

riverletliu commented 6 years ago

FFmpeg_EpMedia: Error marking filters as finished FFmpeg_EpMedia: Qavg: 457.643 FFmpeg_EpMedia: 2 frames left in the queue on closing FFmpeg_EpMedia: Conversion failed!

LittleLiByte commented 6 years ago

-shortest 命令可以设置最短的那条流决定编码时长