Open yangky11 opened 7 months ago
After reading the basic operations supported about sequence by smt, I tried to encode the summation
in the format of (seq.fold_left fn b s)
theorem induction_sum2kp1npqsqm1 (n : ℕ) :
∑ k in Finset.range n, (2 * k + 3) = (n + 1) ^ 2 - 1 := by
After encoding,
(declare-const s (Seq Int))
(define-fun sum ((acc Int) (x Int)) Int (+ acc x))
(declare-const n Int)
(assert (= (seq.len s) n))
(assert (forall ((k Int))
(=> (and (>= k 0) (< k n))
(= (seq.nth s k) (+ 3 (* 2 k))))
(assert (not (= (- (^ (+ 1 n) 2) 1) (seq.fold_left sum 0 s))))
Specifically, I represent sum
(define-fun sum ((acc Int) (x Int)) Int (+ acc x))
(seq.fold_left sum 0 s)
But SMT-solvers stucked when searching the answer.
I wonder if it mainly comes from variable sequence length issue.
So I take another example where sequence is length-fixed.
theorem mathd_numbertheory_109 (v : ℕ → ℕ) (h₀ : ∀ n, v n = 2 * n - 1) :
(∑ k in Finset.Icc 1 100, v k) % 7 = 4 := by
After encoding,
(declare-fun v ((Int)) Int)
(assert (forall ((n Int)) (= (v n) (- (* 2 n) 1))))
(declare-const s (Seq Int))
(assert (= (seq.len s) 100))
(define-fun sum ((acc Int) (x Int)) Int (+ acc x))
(assert (forall ((k Int))
(=> (and (>= k 0) (< k 100))
(= (seq.nth s k) (v (+ k 1))))
(assert (not (= (mod (seq.fold_left sum 0 s) 7) 4)))
Z3 solver achieve to output unsat
but take quite a long time.
It seems that under current encoding strategy, difficulty of searching process is highly related to length of sequence.
The encoding looks good to me. Problems related to sequences are just inherently more challenging, and they sometimes require induction, which SMT solvers are not good at. I think we can just go with the current implementation.
Got it.