yangliuy / TopicExpertiseModel

Java implementation of Gibbs sampling for Topic Expertise Model published in CIKM'13
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CQARank, documentation #1

Closed amaik closed 6 years ago

amaik commented 6 years ago

Is there also code for the whole of CQArank, or is it just the topic expertise model? Also is there a readme or a small documentation that explains how to use the code? It is a bit hard to use without any explanation. I want to use it as a baseline for my Master's thesis.

yangliuy commented 6 years ago

The implementation of CQARank can be found in https://github.com/yangliuy/TopicExpertiseModel/tree/master/src/tem/linkas, which is TEPR.java . I didn't write much documents for this project code. I will try to add docs If I find a time slot later.