yangsenius / TransPose

PyTorch Implementation for "TransPose: Keypoint localization via Transformer", ICCV 2021.
MIT License
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How to run this network with camera video? #28

Open gsrujana opened 2 years ago

gsrujana commented 2 years ago

Has this been tested on live cam feed or for realtime apps? Thanks

yangsenius commented 2 years ago

Hi @gsrujana, this has not yet been tested on a live camera feed.

But there is a good open source based on video cam, HRNet and yolov3. You can replace some code in that repo, by loading the TransPose-R or TransPose-H model, such as using self.model = torch.hub.load('yangsenius/TransPose:main', 'tpr_a4_256x192', pretrained=True) in this code line