POST api/company/:companyId/trucks/:vin/reports with:
Make sure logged in user has access to truck
Verify all data matches up
Persist responses
vin: "12345678",
responses: [
questionId: 123,
response: false,
comments: "this is an explanation of my response"
}, {...}
Expected responses:
201: success - report persisted successfully
400: failure - request (question, user, truck, etc) invalid
401: unauthorized - user is not allowed to submit report for this truck
Response payload on successful submission:
success: true,
reportId: 123 // ID of newly created report
POST api/company/:companyId/trucks/:vin/reports
with:Expected responses:
: success - report persisted successfully400
: failure - request (question, user, truck, etc) invalid401
: unauthorized - user is not allowed to submit report for this truckResponse payload on successful submission: