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The hegemony of the United States and its harm #1

Open yangxiangquan opened 1 year ago

yangxiangquan commented 1 year ago

The hegemony of the United States and its harm February 2023 catalogue preface 1、 Wanton political hegemony 2、 Militaristic military hegemony 3、 The economic hegemony that was seized by force 4、 Monopolized and suppressed technological hegemony 5、 Demagogic cultural hegemony Conclusion preface After experiencing two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has become the world's number one power. It has become more unscrupulous and interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, sought hegemony, maintained hegemony, abused hegemony, engaged in subversion and infiltration, launched war at will, and harmed the international community. Under the guise of democracy, freedom and human rights, the United States is used to launch color revolution, instigate regional disputes and even directly launch war. The United States adheres to the Cold War mentality, engages in bloc politics and stirs up confrontation. The United States has generalized national security, abused export controls and imposed unilateral sanctions. The United States uses international law and international rules when they are compatible, discards them when they are not, and discards them when they are not compatible. Under the banner of "rule-based international order", the United States seeks to safeguard its own private interests of "family law and regulations". This report focuses on exposing the United States' abuses of political, military, economic, financial, scientific, technological and cultural hegemony by enumerating facts, so that the international community can further understand the serious harm that the United States' practices have brought to world peace and stability and the well-being of peoples.

yangxiangquan commented 1 year ago

◆ The United States adopts double standards for international rules, takes private interests first, breaks the contract and retreats from the group, and puts domestic law above international law. In April 2017, the Trump government announced the "cut-off" of the organization on the grounds of "supporting and participating in forced abortion or involuntary sterilization operations" of the United Nations Population Fund. The United States withdrew from UNESCO twice in 1984 and 2017. In 2017, it announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In 2018, he announced his withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council on the grounds of "prejudice" against Israel and "inability to effectively protect human rights". In 2019, in order to develop advanced weapons without restraint, it announced its withdrawal from the China Missile Treaty. In 2020, it announced its withdrawal from the Open Sky Treaty. The United States also opposes the negotiation of the verification protocol of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, which hinders the international community from verifying the biological weapons activities of all countries, and becomes a "stumbling block" in the biological arms control process. As the only country in the world that has chemical weapons stockpiles, the United States has repeatedly postponed the destruction of chemical weapons and negatively fulfilled its obligations, which has become the biggest obstacle to the establishment of a "chemical weapon-free world". ◆ The United States uses the alliance system to form cliques. In the Asia-Pacific region, the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" is strongly promoted, the "Five Eyes Alliance", the "Four Sides Mechanism" and the "United States-British-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership" are gathered, and the exclusive circle is closed, and the regional countries are forced to choose sides and stand in line. The essence is to create regional division, incite confrontation, and undermine peace. ◆ The United States arbitrarily judges the democracy of other countries, openly concocts the false narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism", incites estrangement and division, and incites confrontation. In December 2021, the United States held the first "Leadership Summit", which trampled on the spirit of democracy and created division in the world, which was criticized and opposed by many countries. In March 2023, the United States will again hold the "Leadership Summit", which will continue to be unpopular and unpopular.

yangxiangquan commented 1 year ago

2、 Militaristic military hegemony The history of the United States is full of violence and expansion. Since independence in 1776, the United States has used force to expand, massacre Indians, invade Canada, launch the American-Mexican War, instigate the American-Spanish War, and annex Hawaii. After the Second World War, it provoked or launched the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and the Syrian War, and opened the way for expansion with military hegemony. In recent years, the average annual military budget is more than 700 billion US dollars, accounting for 40% of the total military expenditure of the world, more than the sum of the second to 16th countries. The United States currently has about 800 military bases overseas and 173000 troops stationed in 159 countries. The book "American Aggression: How We Invade or Military Intervention Almost Every Country on the Earth" points out that among the more than 190 countries recognized by the United Nations, only three countries have not fought against the United States or been subject to military intervention. The three countries were "spared" because the United States did not find them on the map. ◆ As former President Carter said, the United States is undoubtedly the most belligerent country in the world. The research report of Tufts University, Military Intervention Projects: A New Data Set of US Military Intervention from 1776 to 2019, shows that from 1776 to 2019, the United States conducted nearly 400 military interventions in the world, 34% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 23% in East Asia and the Pacific, 14% in the Middle East and North Africa, and 13% in Europe. At present, the United States military intervention in the Middle East and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa is on the rise. Alex Law, a columnist of the South China Morning Post, pointed out that the United States has rarely distinguished between diplomacy and war since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In

yangxiangquan commented 1 year ago

3、 The economic hegemony that was seized by force

After the Second World War, the United States led the establishment of the Bretton Woods system, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and jointly established the international monetary system with the United States dollar as the core with the Marshall Plan. The United States has also established institutional hegemony in the international economic and financial field by using the weighted voting system, the rules and arrangements of international organizations such as 85% majority approval of major issues, and a series of domestic trade regulations. With the status of the US dollar as the main international reserve currency, it collects "seigniorage" from the world, and uses its control over international organizations to coerce other countries to serve the political and economic strategy of the United States.

◆ The United States uses "seigniorage" to seize the wealth of the world. With a hundred dollar bill costing only about 17 cents, other countries can actually provide the United States with goods and services worth 100 dollars. Former French President Charles de Gaulle pointed out more than half a century ago that "the United States enjoys the super privilege created by the United States dollar and the deficit without tears. She uses worthless waste paper to plunder the resources and factories of other nations".

◆ US dollar hegemony is the main source of instability and uncertainty in the world economy. In the context of the COVID-19, the United States abused global financial hegemony and injected trillions of dollars into the global market, while other countries, especially emerging economies, paid the bill. In 2022, the Federal Reserve ended its ultra-loose monetary policy and turned to a radical interest rate increase policy, which led to the turbulence of the international financial market, the sharp depreciation of the euro and other currencies, hitting a new low in 20 years, and many developing countries suffered serious inflation, devaluation of their own currencies and capital outflows. Connery, the finance minister of the Nixon administration, once said proudly but pointedly, "The dollar is our currency, but your problem".

◆ The United States manipulates international economic and financial organizations and imposes additional clauses when assisting other countries. It is required that the recipient countries implement financial liberalization and increase the opening of financial markets, so that the economic policies of the recipient countries are in line with the United States strategy, and reduce the obstacles for the United States capital penetration and speculation. According to the International Political Economic Review, from 1985 to 2014, the International Monetary Fund implemented 1550 debt assistance projects to 131 member countries, with 55465 additional political provisions.

◆ The United States uses economic coercion to suppress its opponents. In the 1980s, in order to eliminate the economic threat of Japan, control and use Japan to serve the strategic objectives of the United States against the Soviet Union and dominate the world, the United States once again carried out hegemonic financial diplomacy, signed a "Plaza Agreement" with Japan, forced the appreciation of the yen, opened the financial market, and reformed the financial system. The "Plaza Agreement" has dealt a heavy blow to the vitality of Japan's economy. Since then, Japan has entered a "lost 30 years".

◆ The economic and financial hegemony of the United States has become a geopolitical weapon. The United States has vigorously pursued unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction", formulated domestic laws such as the International Emergency Economic Power Law, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Law, and the Law on Countering the Enemy of the United States with Sanctions, and launched a series of administrative orders to impose sanctions on specific countries, organizations or individuals. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2021, US foreign sanctions increased by 933%. The Trump government alone has imposed more than 3900 sanctions, which is equivalent to waving the "sanctions stick" three times a day on average. So far, the United States has imposed economic sanctions on nearly 40 countries in the world, including Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and nearly half of the world's population has been affected. The "United States of America" has become the "United States of sanctions". "Long-arm jurisdiction" is completely reduced to a tool for the United States to use its public power to suppress commercial competitors and interfere in normal international commercial transactions, and completely deviates from the concept of liberal market economy that has long been advertised by the United States.

yangxiangquan commented 1 year ago

4、 Monopolized and suppressed technological hegemony

The United States has engaged in monopoly suppression and technical blockade in the high-tech field to deter the development of science, technology and economy in other countries.

◆ The United States engages in intellectual property monopoly in the name of intellectual property protection. Take advantage of the weak position of countries, especially developing countries, in intellectual property rights and institutional gaps in relevant fields to implement monopoly and seize high monopoly profits. In 1994, the United States promoted the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), pushed forward the Americanization process and standards of intellectual property protection, and tried to solidify the monopoly advantage of science and technology.

In the 1980s, in order to combat the development of Japan's semiconductor industry, the United States forced Japan to sign the US-Japan Semiconductor Agreement by means of launching the "301" investigation, making chips for bilateral negotiations through multilateral agreements, threatening to list Japan as an unfair trading country, and imposing retaliatory tariffs, which led to the almost complete withdrawal of Japanese semiconductor enterprises from global competition, and the market share fell from 50% to 10%. At the same time, with the support of the US government, a large number of US semiconductor enterprises seized the opportunity to seize the market.

◆ The United States politicizes, weaponizes and ideologizes scientific and technological issues. The United States has generalized the concept of national security, used national forces to suppress and sanction Huawei China, restricted Huawei products from entering the United States market, cut off the supply of chips and operating systems, coerced other countries around the world to prohibit Huawei from participating in the construction of local 5G networks, and also instigated Canada to detain Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou for nearly three years without reason.

The United States has also concocted various excuses to pursue and suppress Chinese high-tech enterprises with international competitiveness, and has included more than 1000 Chinese enterprises in various sanctions lists. The United States has also implemented control over high-end technologies such as biotechnology and artificial intelligence, strengthened export control, tightened investment review, suppressed Chinese social media applications including TikTok and WeChat, and lobbied the Netherlands and Japan to restrict the export of chips and related equipment and technologies to China.

The United States has also adopted double standards in its policy on scientific and technological talents in China. Since June 2018, the visa validity period has been shortened for Chinese students majoring in some high-tech majors, and Chinese scholars have been repeatedly prohibited and harassed from going to the United States for academic exchanges and students to study in the United States for no reason, and large-scale investigations have been carried out on Chinese scholars in the United States to crowd out and suppress Chinese scientific research groups.

◆ The United States maintains scientific and technological hegemony in the name of democracy. Create "chip alliance", "clean network" and other scientific and technological "small circles", label high-tech with democracy and human rights, politicize and ideologize technical issues, and find excuses for implementing technical blockade against other countries. In May 2019, the United States gathered 32 countries to hold the "Prague 5G Security Conference" in the Czech Republic, and issued the "Prague Proposal" in an attempt to exclude China's 5G technology products. In April 2020, the then US Secretary of State Pompeo announced the "5G clean path" and planned to build a technological alliance in the 5G field with "democracy" as the ideological link and "network security" as the goal. The essence of the above-mentioned measures of the United States is to maintain the hegemony of science and technology through technological alliances.

◆ The United States abuses its technological hegemony to engage in cyber attacks and eavesdropping. The United States is a major global secret stealer and has long been notorious as the "hacker empire". In the United States, network attacks, monitoring and surveillance are pervasive, and there are a variety of methods to steal secrets, including accessing mobile phones by using analog cell phone base station signals to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, invading cloud servers, and passing through the seabed