yangxiaohua2009 / custom-kernel

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is microphone supported? #4

Open KrychaTech opened 2 years ago

KrychaTech commented 2 years ago

I installed the kernel and it works, great job! however, i noticed that my microphone does not work. is it an issue or is just the microphone not supported? https://mic-test.com/ receives some output, but the audio doesnt have any voice in it, just random hum.

yangxiaohua2009 commented 2 years ago

Use the amixer to open the Kcontrols amixer cset name='ADC PGA Gain Volume' 999 amixer cset name='ADC Capture Volume' 999 amixer cset name='Internal Mic Switch' on amixer cset name='Headset Mic Switch' on Then use alsamixer or amixer to switch between board mic and headphone mic amixer cset name='Differential Mux' 'lin1-rin1' amixer cset name='Differential Mux' 'lin2-rin2'

KrychaTech commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late response. The same random hum occurs upon running the commands above and setting the board mic.

gnickm commented 2 years ago

Similar issues here. Initially I was able to get some capture some very faint activity on pamix. I tried the 20dB boost option, but that seemed to do nothing. After around 5 minutes, I started getting louder and louder signal, until the input eventually just ended up at the max of the scale (this is probably the hum @KrychaTech is hearing). Reboot did not help, going to try a full removal from power. My guess would be buggy auto-gain compensation than never turns down.

gnickm commented 2 years ago

Played with alsamixer a bit more and found the sweet spot for my microphone. ADC and ADC PGA Gain seem to be the primary gain adjustments for the mic. I set both of these at ~70% and have a nice loud but usable input level now.